Crack Attack!

Alright, it's official. Paula's on crack.

There's just no denying it anymore. The effects are devastating...

For anyone watching last nights American Idol, you must have to agree with me! She's completely lost it (not that there was that much to work with in the first place). She's coo-coo, crazy, psycho, wacked, deranged, nuts, or as my now 9 year old would say "nacho" -- she made an absolute fool out of herself!

How else do you explain her bizarre behavior??? Come on people, really, how hard is it to critique five novice pop singers? There's not a whole lot involved... that's obvious from her normal comments like "you're good, you're really good" or "a good singer is a good singer" or "you're adorable" or even her favorite "I love you!" The closest she ever gets to anything technical might be something really deep like, "you're right on pitch" or "I like the low end of your range." So, really, this should not be a challenge. It's her 7th season after all. Yet, somehow, she couldn't even figure out that Jason had only sung one song??? Isn't she making millions of bazillions of dollars doing this? Don't you think she could have been paying a little more attention? Was she just making all that up about the second song? She was certainly not talking about David Cook's performance after Jason because he was fantastic and what she was saying was negative! It makes no logical sense...

That's why I've concluded... it's crack. It has to be.

She's lost the very tiny amount of credibility that she had left. Alright, I know, that's a stretch. She's never had any credibility, but I guess my heart just goes out to her. She's certainly never been my favorite, but you just hate to see anyone make a complete fool of themselves on national TV.

I really have no interest in hearing anything she has to say anymore. Once you've lost me you've just lost me. But I guess I won't stop watching. I can't -- I'm in too deep now. I think I'll just have to take a bathroom break or go get some potato chips every time she starts to talk. That's how I'll do it. I promise, David, I'll support you to the end!!!

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