Eric's Email

So Jonathan comes to me this morning and says, "Hey, look at this." He hands me his phone and there's an email from Eric saying, "Hey guys, count me in for the trip. But only if I have first dibs at sleeping with Jonathan."

At first I'm a little confused -- a little worried even... (it was very early, you know)... Eric insists on sleeping with Jonathan???? That's weird. But then, my brain starts to warm up and I start remembering...

Oh, yeah, I seem to recall something about a skunk. I remember now... It was that white water rafting trip. The time they rented that shack of a place in Tennessee and walked in to find the most hideous smell... the smell that sent them all running back outside... It was that skunk that died under the house...

Oh yeah, I remember now. All of the guys were loading up to go on the road for a guys weekend...

Oh yeah, Eric and Jonathan couldn't even sleep because the smell was so bad... That's right... They took the mattress outside in the 40 degree weather and slept together on the deck...

Oh yeah, it seems like there was something about Bill, too. That's right... He was so grossed out that he couldn't sleep either... oh, yeah, I remember hearing about him sleeping in my car all night...

So Eric wants to sleep with Jonathan again... It was all the talk around here for a few weeks after the trip last year. Still, I'd think that after their experience last fall they wouldn't even want to go again. But I guess that's a bunch of guys for ya. They're never going to miss an opportunity to drink beer, play poker, tell dirty jokes -- you know, the whole "male bonding" thing... even if it does mean their olfactory nerves are shot and they all come home smelling like a SKUNK!

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