I love carpooling to preschool... not only does it give me a week off every other week from driving but it allows me a little glimpse into the life of my toddler and his interactions with his friends. Every day we pick up Walton and Baylor, my friend Holly's 3 year old twins, and the boys start their banter. Sometimes they fight, sometimes they drive me crazy, but most of the time I truly enjoy listening to their little conversations. Although they don't always make sense, it is quite entertaining... I like to turn off the radio and just listen... trying hard not to let them know I'm laughing at all the cute things they are saying.
This morning was no different. One's trying to out-do the next one and then the next one chimes in.... boys and their hero worship for their daddies. It went something like this...
WALTON: My daddy likes to hunt.
JACOB: Well, my daddy like to hunt more.
BAYLOR: My daddy hunts deer.
WALTON: Yea... he hunts big deer.
JACOB: Well, my daddy shoots deer, too.
WALTON: Well, my daddy shoots birds.
JACOB: Well, my daddy shoots ducks.
BAYLOR: Mine does too.
JACOB: My daddy shoots really big bears.
WALTON: My daddy shoots them too.
JACOB: Well, my daddy doesn't like cats. He shoots cats.
WALTON: Well, my daddy shoots hunting dogs.
JACOB: He can't shoot hunting dogs because the policeman will get him and shoot him.
BAYLOR: No, the policeman only shoots bad guys.
WALTON: Well, I like to shoot spiders.
JACOB: I don't like spiders. I'm scared of them!
WALTON: Well, I can save you.
JACOB: Buuuurrrrpp!
JACOB: I just burped (and he laughs)
WALTON: Nice one!
And they all start giggling like little girls....
I could barely hold in the laughter myself this time! And it looks like my fear of warping Jacob about policemen still holds true. Anyone got any ideas to help???