Uhhhh, I didn't really want to tell them the truth about that one......
So next thing I knew they were running to the den to blast 3 Doors Down on the stereo at 8:30 in the morning. I took this little video of Jacob once the girls had tired out and left the "stage." Oh..... about him being in his underwear..... I'd make the excuse that it was early in the morning, that we hadn't gotten ready for the day yet........ but really, honestly, Jacob seems to look this way just about every time I turn around! That boy doesn't seem to mind showing off his booty...
(Turn off the ipod to the right before you play the video)
Watch out Brad Arnold..... It looks like Jacob wants your job. My favorite part is the end where he seems to walk "off stage" at just the right time.... As Heather would say, "Bless his little pea-pickin' heart!" He's gonna kill me for this one day!