Grandparent's Day

I feel like the lazy blogger..... no time for writing.... these days I'm just posting pictures. It's been so crazy around here lately, I haven't even been doing that very much either. Just like everyone else with kids, the week of Halloween is super busy.... parties, trick or treating, programs at school and this year the girls' elementary school decided to throw Grandparents Day in there, too. So Friday my mom came in town to visit the girls for Grandparents Day.

Here's mom and Madison

And here's Macy in her classroom before her party. That's her friend, Cally in the foreground. His dad is the new coach in Auburn and I have to say, that's one of the sweetest and most respectful children I've ever met. He told us he only ate one piece of his Halloween candy the night before because he was going to go give it to all the football players.

Here's Macy with Mic-Mic at her Grandparents Day lunch

Madison's also been pretty busy with softball lately.... here's a cute one of her team.
This is our last week of games and 4 nights a week of activities.

And then there's this.....
candy, candy, candy
Causing alot of trouble, too....
Wrappers on the floor, in the couch cushions, under chairs.
My gosh, has anybody ever heard of a trashcan!
Now that I'm done stealing all of their chocolate, I think it's about time
to get rid of all the rest and put an end to all the candy wars. I know there are some
mama's out there that are right there with me on that one!

Oh, and I musn't (is that a word??) forget about Jonathan..... his favorite time of year is here. The deer corn is being planted, the tree stands are up, the guns are primed and ready...... it's almost that time for opening day. This weekend while he was up at the farm working, he came across this little coyote. The man will kill anything if it's legal! You just never know what he'll come home with..... dead and disgusting and too gross for me to look at...... and by the way, I wouldn't even take this picture.... he had to recruit Madison to do it. Yuck! I just hope he's not planning on stuffing it..... we're running out of room to display dead animals around here.

So everyone put your pets up safe and sound in your houses.... he's got the fever again.

I'm kidding, of course.