Rolly Coaster...

So Jacob just informed me... that is, right after I walked into the kitchen and saw his "project"... he had taken off the top to the syrup that I carelessly forgot to put back up high in the pantry this morning after breakfast, then proceeded to dump it out in a veeerrry tiny bowl so that most of it wound up all over the counter, the barstool and the floor, and then he put his Incredible Hulk bad guy right inside the bowl. I guess he wanted it to go swimming or something... anyway, after I saw the fun he'd been having, Jacob informed me that he was getting a "rolly coaster" for his birthday. He wants a big one he says, one that will fit in the "whole, big backyard." And he wants to sit in the front, he wants to drive. And he wants me, Daddy, Macy & Madison in the back.

Now, I know, we all probably overindulge our kids these days, and it is the ONLY 3rd birthday he will ever have, but I'm thinking... NOT! He says it will only cost "a hundy dollars" and he wants to build it with his power tools, oh, yeah, and he wants spiders on it, too. He even drew me a picture of it. Here it is...
He even got his work clothes on... and his tool belt loaded up with tools...
Now a kid like that can turn any bad day around... he's one CUTE boy! I couldn't even get mad at him about the syrup!

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