A Walk Down Memory Lane

It's nice to hear the pitter-patter of little feet again this morning. My girls are back from their grandparents' house. They came back last night and I wish I had their homecoming on video. Jonathan went to pick them up, so when they came in, the girls attacked me and Jacob. I mean ATTACKED! Yes, they may find their little brother annoying at times, but it sure was sweet to see them all in a death-grip hugging each other! They brought both of us birthday presents and were so excited to have us open them up. The rest of the night was one of the best I can remember in a while -- full of hugs & kisses and lots of play.

I'm really glad they're home. Not only did I miss them, but they'll be a good distraction to keep my mind off the fact that this is the LAST day I'll ever be 37. That age thing is ever-looming! And it doesn't help that Jacob is turning 3 on Monday. I'm losing my youth and my baby all at the same time! No... I guess I'm OK with getting older -- It's certainly better than the alternative, right? But I do have to admit that the occasional "carding" at the grocery store makes my day! Especially since we live in a college town! I just try to look at the lines creeping up on my face as adding a little character -- you know, symbols of the wisdom I've gained and the hurdles I've overcome. Maybe my eyesight will start going too so that these "laugh lines" won't be so noticeable!!

Thank you all for the sweet e-mails, phone calls, cards and gifts I've received. And, Julee, I loved the smilebox birthday slideshow you sent me -- I have no idea how you had time to do that with packing for the beach. We're taking the kids to the aquarium tomorrow in Atlanta to celebrate so I'll check in with you all when we get back.

I made a little slideshow of my own to commemorate those precious days gone by -- a little walk down Memory Lane. (My dad has all my pictures from growing up so there's a chunk of my life missing -- those are the awful, transitional, bad hair & 80's clothes days anyway!) CLICK THE "X" IF THE SLIDESHOW STOPS

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