Saturday night we went to pick the kids up and ate dinner at mom's house. Mom's great at alot of things, but cooking isn't really her forte' so we were both impressed with the spread she had for us..... a wonderful salad, grilled asparagus, and a unique but surprisingly yummy gourmet spaghetti dish. Oh, and she made cosmos with fresh lime and Cointreau. Pretty impressive, Mom!
Macy and Madison came back home with us, but Jacob decided to stay over again...... the girl's were so excited. They love their brother but he does put an annoying little damper on their plans sometimes. I'm that momma that makes them include him on almost everything, so they were glad to have a little space for a while. Then last night they each had a friend spend the night with no threat of their little brother barging in their rooms, begging to play with them. So everyone's had a little break..... feeling a little refreshed and now we're getting ready for our niece, Alli, to come stay with us for the week. Counting down the hours we are!! The girls can't wait.
I thought I'd finally make this post that I didn't seem to have time to do last week. I was on Facebook and a friend sent me an interview to do with one of my children. It's an interview about your mommy...... I ask the questions..... the child answers and I try not to cringe if it's something I don't like. It was actually pretty fun. I decided to ask Macy the questions.... Jacob's too little and Madison is getting a little too old and thoughtful to get to the REAL truth. So here it goes..... my interview with Macy.......
1. What is something mommy always says to you?
Macy: "Oh... to pick up my stuff off the stairs."
2. What makes mommy happy?
Macy: "When we are nice to each other"
3. What makes mommy sad?
Macy: "When we don't mind her."
4. How does your mommy make you laugh?
Macy: "By tickling me."
5. What was your mommy like as a child?
Macy: "She liked gymnastics and she liked school."
6. How old is your mommy?
Macy: "Let's see.... 38."
7. How tall is your mommy?
Macy: (getting up to measure me with her hands....) "Maybe like 5 and a half feet."
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Macy: "Spend time with her family."
9. What does your mommy do when you're not around?
Macy: "She plays on the computer and goes out with all of her girlfriends."
10. If your mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
Macy: "She will be President because she's cool and smart and then she'll be on a $25 dollar bill."
11. What is your mommy really good at?
(Before she can answer I hear Jonathan cracking up.... LOUDLY!!! I give him THAT look.... you know the one.... HUSH UP OR ELSE!!)
Macy: "Painting and art and cleaning."
12. What is your mommy not very good at?
Macy: "Basketball.... no offense, Mom."
13. What does your mommy do for a job?
Macy: "She cleans up our house and takes care of us and works on the computer."
14. What is your mommy's favorite food?
Macy: "Chocolate Cake!!"
15. What makes you proud of your mommy?
Macy: "When she decorates our houses and all the things she paints."
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Macy: "I don't know but Daddy would be Spongebob!"
Madison chimes in: "Oh, she would be Wonder Woman"
17. What do you and your mommy do together?
Macy: "Play games and curl up and watch American Idol"
18. How are you and your mommy the same?
Macy: "That's easy. We are both artistic and we both like the same music"
19. How are you and your mommy different?
Macy: "Well, Mommy doesn't go to her friends houses and rock out with them like I do."
20. How do you know your mommy loves you?
Macy: "She takes care of me and sings 'You are My Sunshine' to me."
21. What does your mommy like most about your dad?
Macy: "When he acts silly"
Jacob: "No, when he kisses!"
22. Where is your mommy's favorite place to go?
Macy: "That place she likes to eat with her friends.... Amsterdam something. Oh and the beach and Disneyworld."
23. What does your mommy not like to do?
Macy: "Yell at us, clean up and be the maid."
24. What's your favorite thing about mommy?
Macy: "When she gets excited and jumps up and dances!"
Madison: "No, I like her style."
25. What is the best thing mommy can cook?
(Jonathan interrupts, trying to redeem himself from the last outburst, I'm guessing: "Well, you cook a lot of things that are really good, you are a great cook.")
I'm thinking.... "that's nice... he must REALLY want something...."
Macy: ".... oh, poppyseed chicken and pumpkin bread"
So I guess that wasn't too bad.... I especially love #9.... somehow she thinks I just play all day with my friends!! Don't I wish! And #10 was pretty cute.... president.... well, uh... I don't think so -- wouldn't want that one anyway, but it's nice to know that she thinks of me in that way. And how right she is on #12....... I wish I could play basketball!! Actually, I think she knows her mommy pretty well.