happy mothers day : top 5 mothers day poetry in 2012
happy mothers day : top 5 mothers day poetry in 2012 happy mothers day :
top 5 mothers day poetry in 2012 happy mothers day : top 5 mothers day
poetry i...
Rainy Day Monday
It has rained for 3 straight days. Three. Non-stop. My kids are so ready to get outside that I found them in the garage earlier skateboarding and riding the 4 wheeler in a circle. We've had a couple of extras here too for the past day or so since Madison and Macy both had friends spend the night last night. They are about "Rock-Banded" out and I've had about all the Nirvana I can stand. Let me rephrase that.... I love Nirvana... I'm just tired of hearing 8 year olds sing it over & over & over again. So what do I do to make everyone happy? Crank up MY music and pull out the paints and brushes. First we painted, then we danced. Quite an afternoon I must say.
And now for the show stopper.... Jacob with his pants on his head... it seems we never make it through an afternoon of dancing without this little number....