Another packaging idea...

A girlfriend of mine (remember Jill?) just had her baby and a few of us girls went up to the hospital to visit her. I put together a New Mommy Pamper Me Kit for us to give to her. Before I started putting it together I decided to take a few pics of the "packaging process" so I could share.

I've used this idea a couple of times in the past (thank you gifts and teacher appreciation gifts) and its always a fun way to "wrap" a present, especially if there are several small things you're giving.

So....first step, start off with a 2 liter bottle.

Empty it and clean it (obviously). Then make a small opening. (just big enough to fit objects in)

And stick a bunch of fun stuff inside! For this gift I included several "mommy stuck in the hospital for a few days" essentials such as lotions, chap stick, gum, coffee, a luffa, hand sanitizer, mouthwash, some chocolate, etc .
Then close the opening with some tape.

Then I decorated the bottle with cardstock to cover the opening where I stuffed everything in. I got the Coca Cola font free from here.

Hopefully you can have a little fun with this packaging idea the next time you give a gift. :)