Lately our little Olivia (16 months old) has been getting more and more interested in books and its been great!! She is so fun to read to (its about the only time she'll cuddle) and I really think its starting to broaden her vocabulary. One of her new favorite pieces of literature features Elmo dancing to "
If You're Happy and You Know It". ;)
So I decided to make our Sunday night a little special with a new dessert in honor of Olivia's latest love interest.
What did I come up with?????
OREO SUCKERS!!! Elmo style :)
Elmo is a furry little guy so I had to make him as "furry looking" as I could. ;) I was a little sloppy with these suckers, but in the end all that matters to my family is that there is sugar in them! ;)
One happy girl....
Another very happy little girl.......
Wait....let me think about this for a minute. You want me to EAT Elmo??
Ok, fine. Whatever! I'll eat him. He'll forgive me!!
Brian kept asking her if he could have a bite...finally she was generous to "share". Thanks Liv. The stick is empty! You're so thoughful. ;)
"Where did it go?" she asks...