My friend, Chris, from Celebrations at Home has been such an inspiration to me this year as I've been developing Shindig. Chris is a party planner extraordinaire and has a very popular party planning blog, too! I've enjoyed getting to know her over the past few months, and recently she was telling me about a pirate party that she was working on for her son. Busy as she is making the "party world" a better place, Chris was running short on time completing her son's big birthday bash. So I helped out a little and made her some of my new Pirate Party Printables and shipped her my Shindig Pirate Party pennants, too. I was so glad to help, and she -- as usual -- pulled off quite the soiree.... uhhh, I mean piratey adventure!!
(We have a ship sail of our own for our Shindig Party Party !)
The perfect customized addition to your next pirate adventure.
That skeleton skull on a post -- yikes! He's a little scary!
Definitely for the "OLDER" pirate boys!!
on the pirate bags full of goodies for the boys to take home with them.
And what's a pirate party without a costume and a parrot??
Looks like Tyler had a GREAT 8th birthday!!
Thanks, Chris, for the shout out on Celebrations at Home! Happy Birthday, Tyler!
Go check her out and become a follower or a fan on Facebook!