Looking for something to do with all your random Happy Meal toys?? If you're like me and hate throwing anything away then I have just the thing!!!
Make a toy wreath!!!
I decided to do this after I did some major cleaning of the playroom last week. I found tons of random junk toys that never get played with. I was about to throw them out when my little Bailey girl gave me the guilt trip of a lifetime.
Every toy she saw me place into the throw away pile caused a reaction...
"You CAN'T throw that toy out!! I love that toy...I promise I'll play with it!!"
So we compromised. The toy wreath was the solution...she gets to keep her toys and I get them up and out of the way. And I love the way it turned out. What a great way to bring new life to all those cast away toys!!! (so much more fun than tossing them out)
Do I have too much time on my hands? Perhaps.
So this is what I did.
I grabbed the box of "junk"...
Picked up a wreath at the Dollar Store.
And went to work. Just me and the hot glue gun...and Bailey to supervise.
Warning: Your child is NOT going to want to let go of ANY toys...it may be best to do this while they are not sitting right next to you!!!
I got A LOT of these looks!
"not that toy!!!" **the entire time w/ her hands on her hips**
So, after about 20 minutes of gluing and placing, and several conversations reminding B how she has a million other toys and never plays with any of these....it was finished.
Here is my helper Bailey with her new toy wreath...still not 100% convinced that she isn't going to miss these toys....
And I LOVE the way it turned out!!!!
Doesn't it make such a fun greeting for a playroom!!!!!
Oooh Ooooh Oooh... and since parties are always on my brain, wouldn't it make a cute decoration for a Toy Story Party!!?!?!?