Birthday time!

I've always thought of birthdays as your own personal holiday, but I guess it depends on how you celebrate them.

Mine have always been celebrated to the fullest extent...

To make a birthday special, you really just need the ones you love... But.  Dot would not be Dot if I didn't think you needed a lot more than that to make a great party!  If you know me at all, you know I do a little bit for a birthday...

But today's birthday post is about party hats:  I love a good party hat, and its a trend that's on the rise right now!  You practically can't go anywhere in the blogosphere without bumping your knees against one!

NieNie made party hats for her New Years Eve party:  (So it wasn't a birthday, but wouldn't it be cute for one??!!)

Jordan at Oh Happy Day has a template and DIY guide for making your own:

Silver Spoon Scraps sells these adorable party hats on her etsy shop, in fact she made two for us!

Made by SilverSpoonScraps
Dot recently went on a girl's trip to celebrate a friend's 30th birthday, and made her the hat on the bottom right of the picture.  It was in coral and turquoise, why oh why didn't I ever take a picture of it?
