Celebrating 300 followers! GIVEAWAY!!!

I just noticed this morning that my little cake blog has hit 300 followers! I'm so excited about this!! :) I remember being surprised when I had 30 and now 300!!??!!? Wow! I want to say a big thank you to all my supporters and followers for all the wonderful comments, emails and opportunities all of you have given me over the past year and a half!


I'm not sure if I have ever really told my story on how I started off so here goes...about three years ago my mom, nana and I decided we wanted to learn how to decorate cakes so we signed up for a cake decorating class through Wilton. I made it to one class and had to drop out. Yes, I am a cake school drop out. :( School is cool right?! Well, not when you're 6 weeks pregnant and the smell, look, taste, thought of icing makes you sick sick sick! It was torture! I love cake, but couldn't stand it for the entire 9 months of Olivia's pregnancy. Isn't it crazy what pregnancy can do to you!?! So after one little class I dropped out and didn't look at a cake for another year or so.


Then Livie was born and Bailey's 3rd birthday came around. I revisited the idea of decorating cakes because my little girl wanted me to make her a cake...I practiced and practiced and practiced. I bought a couple cake decorating dvds. I googled about 1000 "how tos" and watched some You Tube videos on different cake decorating techniques. I have learned how to decorate cakes through a lot of trial and error and countless hours searching the internet for advice. But with no proper training, and lots of "holes" in my cake decorating education it hasn't always been easy.


Which brings me to my giveaway!!!


I so appreciate all your support so I wanted to host a fabulous giveaway that would be perfect for all my cake fans. :) I contacted the TALENTED and oh so WONDERFUL Melissa Diamond (my new best friend/hero) of MY CAKE SCHOOL. If y'all don't know about her site you NEED to check it out!


I found it about a month ago and I am SO HAPPY I did!!! Its full of great cake decorating ideas and video tutorials from basic buttercream decorating techniques to working with gumpaste and even chocolate. Its great for beginners and even experienced cake decorators who want to improve on their skills. I am particularly happy with the gumpaste tutorials as that has always been a big weakness of mine. But with Melissa's tutorials I actually ENJOY making gumpaste figurines! I'm telling you, I LOVE this website!

The giveaway is for one year free membership to My Cake School! ($30 value) You will gain access to decorating assistance, advice and 100s of cake decorating videos for an entire year. The $30 membership fee is a great deal on its own...getting it for FREE is even better!!! :)

To enter the giveaway leave a comment with your name and where you can be contacted. (You must be a follower) I will randomly select one winner on April 15th.

Stay tuned, good luck and Happy Caking!!!!