Girl's Weekend

My friend, Julee, and her childhood friend, Molly, decided to get tickets to Wicked at the Fox in Atlanta. They asked Holly and me along for a little getaway girl's weekend. I thought... hmmmm .... 24 hours with no kids!!! That sounds great! And it was. We had a really good time staying in our mini-hotel with our mini-beds and eating at our mini-restaurant. In case you're wondering.... everything in our hotel was small.... very small.... I guess they're running out of space in downtown Atlanta! But it was very nice, however tiny, and I would highly recommend the play. It's supposed to be the story behind the Wizard of Oz... how the Wicked Witch of the West came to be what she was in the story we all know.... well, that is, all of us but Holly. I love being around Holly. She always makes me laugh... during the play when the Wicked Witch of the West dies, they put up a big curtain and you see the silouette of Dorothy with the water bucket and then you see the silouette of Dorothy throwing the water on the witch and the witch melts. A few seconds later, Holly leans over to me and says, "Now who was that that killed the witch?" I cracked up... "Holly... that was Dorothy," I said. She was like, "Where was Dorothy... she hasn't been in the play."

There were quite a few "Holly-isms" that weekend.... being with two blonds, Molly and Julee, the subject came up about who has more fun... blonds or brunettes. Holly says, "Well, we all know brunettes have more funner." Another time Holly & I were getting on the elevator and there were a few other people on the elevator with us. A couple starts speaking to each other with a wonderful, melodic accent, and Holly says in her best Southern-fried, central-Alabama drawl, "Where are ya'll from?" We all starting laughing... it turns out they were from England. I guess they'll have a story to tell their friends when they get home about the hicks they met in Atlanta on the elevator. I love her... she always keeps me laughing. And the thing is... she really is very smart... she has an accounting degree! She just has a sweet, innocence about her -- Holly, thanks for letting us all poke a little fun at you.

Here she is, funny Holly, in her fantastic new boots.

Me & Julee eating at our tiny restaurant

Here we are outside of the Fox after the show

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about our adventure on the way back to the hotel. We thought surely we could get a cab outside of the Fox, but there were none to be found. We kept walking.... and walking... and walking... in our 4" heels... in the freezing cold air... searching the streets for a ride home. We were starting to get a little worried about our predicament... the hotel was 2 miles away... and then we saw a cop. I asked him how we could get a cab and he laughed at us, got on his radio and started trying to help us out. A few minutes goes by, and he says, "Come with me." We walk a block or so and see another cop in his car. The first guy tells him to take us to our hotel, so we all start laughing and hop in the car... everyone calling their husbands to tell them where we were. We were very grateful, especially when we went another 1/2 mile or so down the road and saw about 100 young guys hanging out in a dark parking lot... one that we would have had to walk right by had we not gotten our ride home with the fuzz.

Here are the girls in the back of the car... calling their husbands. I was, by the way, in the front sitting on top of the remains of our chauffeur's dinner.

And here are the friends we made in the hotel bar after the show who bought us all a round of shots... the BET awards were that night, so they were all dressed up and I guess ready to party after the show.

Here's to mommies' getaways... wonderful plays... nice policemen... and great times with friends! Julee, start working on tickets for the next one!
