happy mothers day : top 5 mothers day poetry in 2012
happy mothers day : top 5 mothers day poetry in 2012 happy mothers day :
top 5 mothers day poetry in 2012 happy mothers day : top 5 mothers day
poetry i...
Pumpkin Patch
Wednesday, Jodi, Holly & I went on the field trip with our little ones to a pumpkin patch in Lafayette. It was a lot of fun... there was a hayride to the pumpkin patch where the boys got to pick their own pumpkin out and take it home, lots of jumping blow ups and a slide, and they got to see rabbits, chickens and horses. They even had a 200 lb pumpkin growing! The farmer told us it grows 5lbs a day and gets 1 inch larger in diameter ever day! That's amazing. Here are a few pictures...