We moms however, are quite a different story. I'll give you an example. This is me in a typical 5-10 minute period while I'm working.
Amanda: OK, I need to check my blog emails and finish up that job for Lisa.
Amanda's brain: Gosh, I have at least 8 loads of laundry to do, and that stack of ironing is ridiculous! We may just have to sleep on that until I get some sheets back on the bed. Oooooh, I have to get 3 birthday presents for the party's this weekend. Ooooh, and all the Halloween costumes... why are my kid's wanting such difficult things this year....
Phone rings: (It's Julee)
Amanda: (answering phone while still doing design work) "Hey Girl! What's up?.... Just working.... yeah, I'm looking forward to it too. OK, I'll definitely get that for the baby shower... I don't have any idea what I'm wearing in Atlanta, what about you? .... No, Jacob, mama's on the phone right now. I'll get you some in a minute. Sorry, Julee, he's crawling all over me wanting some juice. Yes, I think I've got some ribbon...
Simultaneously... Amanda's Brain: YiKeS!!! I forgot to make a hair appointment -- I have 2 inch roots!! I can't go to Atlanta -- they might kick me out with my Jerry Springer wanna-be hair!! I look like a redneck! And my fingers & toes look awful! Ohhh, I hope I don't forget to make those apple muffins for Macy's class tomorrow -- gosh, that trash stinks -- those diapers -- YUCK! I need to blog.... those plants are dying, too....
Phone call: "Oh, Joe's in the driveway -- Ok, I'll let you go... I know how he LOVES us talking on the phone. I need to get back to work anyway... I'll call you later.
Amanda: Ok, I'll work on my new website now.... photoshop.... open file....
Amanda's Brain: I don't think the floors have been swept in days... do we have any milk -- yikes, and we're out of bananas and bread -- how will Jacob survive??? Ooooh, I'm on empty, too. I can't forget to get gas..... and I really need to work on those games for the Halloween party... what AM I wearing in Atlanta??? I think it's going to be cold....
Amanda: That part of the website's coming together... now I need to design 40 more cards.... open file...
Amanda's Brain: Oooooh, I forgot to get ink for my printer... how am I going to test out these cards without ink..... what in the world am I cooking for dinner... maybe we'll just have eggs and bacon again -- it IS the only thing the kids like to eat.... oh no, I just remembered .... we're completely out of diapers... we only have those 3 diapers in the glove compartment of the car... oh, my car is so dirty and I'm driving to Atlanta.... it's gonna gross everybody out... I need to start working on the yard sale....
Amanda: I'll just change that to red.... oh, I like that much better... and how about a Christmas tree here.... on the left side...."Yes, Jacob, we'll go get Sissy's at the bus stop in just a few minutes... no baby, you can't have another piece of cake... yes, you can sit right here in mama's lap and draw your Ninja Turtles..."
And this little scenario is pretty much repeated over and over throughout the day....
If I sound like I'm complaining... well, I guess I am. But only about how difficult it is to do it all... moms just really never catch a break.... but I really do love working, and I'm so excited about my new Christmas cards. The website is almost finished if you want to take a look.... www.kissmyblogcards.blogspot.com. I'll still be designing new cards for the next few weeks until I have a show at my house on November 5th, but you are welcome to go take a look at what I've got already.
Hope you all are doing well... I feel like I live in a cave now... miss you guys!