Yes, yesterday was our 11th anniversary. Not much fanfare this year.... I don't really know why we all make a big deal out of the 10th and not the 11th or the 13th or the 14th. They are ALL big deals. Any couple that can stay together that long with all that life has thrown at them AND raise children..... well, they deserve a special celebration. And then I think about Jonathan's grandparents..... his grandmother married the love of her life at 16..... yes, 16.... and they remained married for 64 years. Amazing.
You don't see that kind of commitment often. And that's exactly what it boils down to.... commitment. I'm sure there are those of you out there who are still joyfully and madly in love with each other..... and then there's the rest of us. The passion may have faded a little.... or maybe even alot...... the things we used to love about our mate we now find drive us crazy.... at times we ask ourselves, "How was I so sure this was the person for me so long ago?"
If I've learned anything at all in my last year of introspection and lots of long, heartfelt talks with friends, it's that most of us belong in this second, not so perfect group. That group of wives who just can't believe their husband has yet again spent ALL DAY on the golf course...... or who for the 117th time didn't take out the trash.......or the wives who would much rather spend a night out with the girls instead of with their spouse. And those husbands who for the life of them still cannot understand why their wives keep nagging them.... they've worked hard all day and don't believe it's their job to now wash the kid's hair. So we all gripe and complain and persevere.
But then, just when you're least expecting it, your spouse does something to remind you of those first days you were together and so very in love...... he makes you laugh when you're in the worst of moods.... or puts gas in your car......... or takes the kids to Toomer's Corner for ice cream to give you a break.... and you realize, oh yeah, that's why I love him. That's why I committed my life to him. So like I said before.... the brilliant fireworks of yesterday may be more like little sparklers today, but that commitment is what keeps us all going and growing together. May we all make it to 64 years!!
Last night we went out to celebrate with a couple of friends. We had a wonderful dinner at Cafe 123 and then went to Eight & Rail to hear a little music. Here are a few pictures from my house before we left to go out....
He's obviously NOT listening to me....
it started as a "No that's my bad side"....
and as I began to turn, somehow Jonathan pulled me into him and started
doing the booty dance on me. Told ya he was being a goofball.