Happy 40th!!!

It's here! The BIG day!! We've been talking about this milestone for a while now. I'm not sure what it is that makes all of us adults feel like we are younger than we actually are.... WISHFUL THINKING.... or maybe just plain old DENIAL! But doesn't it always seem like life is flying right by us at warp speed?? How in the world did we get here.... celebrating a 40th birthday? Just the other day we were in our 20's.... building our first house... pregnant with our first child......... and now she's almost 10!! Guess that means we better cherish every precious, fantastic, wonderful, God-given moment.

Jonathan and I have been through it all.... the good times, the not so good times.... and then the really GREAT times. Looking back it's been a whirlwind of babies and diapers and preschool and homework and after-school activities and parties and...... well, for him, tons of work.... career building, house building, bill paying and OF COURSE lots and lots of HUNTING!! I can honestly say that right now, at his 40th birthday, I've never felt that he loves and appreciates me more.... so I guess that means we're doing something right.

I really wanted to plan a 40th birthday party for him, but just when I was beginning to work on it, he asked me if I was planning a surprise party. I didn't really know what to say, but before I said anything he told me not to. He said he'd rather use the money to take a family trip.... I must say I was more than impressed! No hunting trips to Canada or South America! Wow, a family trip! We decided to go to Disney, but unfortunately, I couldn't get the room we wanted until May, so we had to put off the birthday trip for a few weeks. So that's when Jonathan & I decided we should celebrate his birthday alone in Destin without the kids -- I'll blog about that one later, but we had a wonderful time! Thanks JP and I hope you had the best birthday ever!

A few decorations to welcome him home.... and through the door there were lots more banners and balloons and things hanging from every light fixture....

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Jonathan's "Older than Dirt" and "Over the Hill" birthday cake

It takes ALOT of breath to blow out all those candles...

And some more decorations.... they were everywhere!

Madison wanted to make her daddy a sign
for his birthday to add to the decorations...

And, of course, his birthday kiss from Mommy!!

Happy 40th Jonathan!
We All Love You Lots!!
