A couple of days ago, after being at the grocery store and running very late to pick up my girls from art camp, I decided to go ahead and unload groceries quickly. I was carrying way too many bags at the same time, dropped one, and a glass jar exploded inside the bag. Then later, while making the kids' lunch, I picked up the garbage bag I had thrown all the glass in and well, what do you know but the broken glass tore right through my leg.
I knew it was bad as soon as I did it, but I really didn't want to wait in a doctor's office all afternoon. So I called all my friends, who all seemed to be out having fun & not answering. I needed one of my nurse neighbors (I don't have a doctor neighbor), but Joe, my next door neighbor was the only person home. Lawyer..... doctor..... heck, when you're bleeding it doesn't really matter I guess..... you just really want a second opinion, especially before you torture yourself waiting at the doctor's office with 3 kids! Lawyer Joe thought I needed to go, and well, I guess I did too so I packed some snacks, some kids, some games and drove on over.
7 shots and 8 stitches later here's what it looked like.......... needless to say, I've learned my lesson about putting glass in the trash........ 10 days, no pool for mama and a nasty little scar ........ great way to start the summer. At least it was me and not one of the kids, and it's funny but now it doesn't hurt at all. The worst part was the tetanus shot they gave me before which made my arm sore all week. And sweet little Macy, remembering her own experience having stitches and getting a Power Rangers suit (YES, that was during her "boy phase"), asked me what kind of prize I wanted to buy after I was brave and got my stitches....... hmmmm............ chocolate cake...... some Rock & Republics....... dinner at Warehouse Bistro....... a week in Italy......... a girl can dream, right?