It started with Macy, full of excitement about her first day of Music Theater Camp. After a little part in a school play last year, she decided theater might be something she'd like to try again so when we found out about this camp, she was more than eager to try it out.
And then I picked her up her from that first day of camp..... with a folder full of words to songs from famous plays..... Oliver, Rogers and Hammerstein stuff, and even 4 songs from Wicked. Turns out it's heavy on the "music" and well, the "theater" part is virtually non-existent. OK. We can deal with this, I thought. And then she gave me the CD of the music we were supposed to start practicing...... that is, for her performance THIS SATURDAY. Nine pages of single-spaced-typed lyrics to songs..... well, not really like 'songs' as she knows them........ SHOW TUNES. She was a little disappointed.
So I put the CD in.... listen for a minute or two.... and could barely hold in my laughter. It sounded like a 89 year old woman singing in waaaaaay too high a pitch.... carrying the end of every phrase with a shrill series of vowels.... waaaaaay too many vowels...... each one about an octave higher than the last. And then Macy demonstrates, sounding eerily similar to the woman on the CD, and proceeds to tell me that's exactly how they've told her to sing. Yikes.
And then I find out we've got to learn the whole song.... T-O-D-A-Y..... so she can come home tomorrow with a whole other shrill, 19th century sounding, old-timey song to learn. And we do that over & over again all week.
Can't tell you how excited I am about that. I actually can't stop laughing. It's awful..... really awful. And I can't let her quit because, ONE, I paid $130 for this wonderful experience of music theatre, and TWO..... I won't let my children quit what they start. So there mama..... guess you're gonna have to live with the rules you set up (and therefore listen to a whole lot of music you don't want to listen to!)
We spent the rest of our day..... music folder in hand...... CD player whenever we could find one near...... running errands, buying birthday gifts, groceries, etc. -- all while singing show tunes. Jacob even asked Macy, "Why are you singing like a grandma?" I started cracking up. We spent the night singing, too. Show tunes.... lots & lots of repeated show tunes..... I have a feeling we'll be doing a lot of that this week. Like I said......... I can't quit laughing.....
And then I take Madison to the doctor this afternoon for a check-up for camp and my friend Holly volunteers to take Jacob for me for a while. I call her on my way home and she can't stop laughing either....... not about the show tunes....... No, it was about what her twins and Jacob did while she was on the phone this afternoon.
Those boys took ALL the baby wipes out of the container, got a garbage bag, went to the outside faucet and filled that garbage bag full of water, and then dumped it in a cooler where they proceeded to get in that cooler...... all together I might add...... dump all the wipes in the water and then throw them at the house. Yep..... she said she got off the phone, went and checked on them, and found them with their shirts off, soaking wet, singing in the "baby pool" cooler with baby wipes stuck to the sides and windows of the house.
Here they are...... the pictures don't do it justice because I only had my zoom lens on my camera and couldn't get a good wide shot......... Oh, those boys..... I think their preschool director is right...... FRAT BOYS IN TRAINING........
but jumped out when it got a little too close for comfort
You just gotta love being a mama sometimes! And if any of you reading this might be my neighbors..... please don't worry if you hear horrible, ear-piercing, glass-breaking howls from my house this week -- don't call the police....... we're fine..... we're just singing show tunes.