I had so much fun posting my last post from Jonathan's laptop in the mountains
(I'm sure there are those of you out there giggling at me right now... me & my tech-savvy self). The wonders of wi-fi! Afterward, we went out for a while to town and ate and ate and shopped a little, too. What a great little town.... full of fantastic restaurants and quaint little stores, and an art gallery or two..... something for everyone.... even a toy store which, of course, made the little ones happy. Here are some of the pictures I took on our last full day.
Here's our cabin in the woods.... pretty cute I thought
Here's a view looking up to the loft and the kids' room
A view of the kitchen
A view of the den
And the kids out on the porch.... although at 14 -35 degrees,
we weren't spending a whole lot of time out there - it was freeeeeeezing!
This was taken at the Old Edwards Inn, a beautiful hotel in town. It's a restaurant in the hotel called Madison's so little Maddie had to get a picture there
And Jacob at the toy store.... after an hour or so I was beginning to think we'd never get out of that place! We told the kids they could pick out one thing each and gave them a dollar amount. You can imagine just how many times they each changed their mind..... which in turn made another one want to change her mind.... and on and on!
A photo outside the cute toy store
We accidentally missed our time with Santa. We kept trying to get over there, and as soon as we were walking up, a family said, "Oh no, Santa just left!" Oh well, we took a picture in his sleigh anyway. Maybe he just left to go get a hot toddy.....
he couldn't have gone far without his sleigh, right?
Here's one of the enormous trees decorated in town for Christmas
And the trip was full of times like these.... treats, treats, treats!! Our favorite part!
It was a great trip, but I'm glad to be home now..... lots to do to get ready for the big day!