Being out of school and with Jacob still in quarantine, well, we've had lots of time to finish up some ornament projects for the kids' trees. This was one of my favorite ideas I found on the internet. You take a 9 oz plastic cup, some silver poster board, some batting and go buy some cute mini ornaments from Hobby Lobby (like snowmen, Santas, etc), buy a few little trees in the dollhouse section and
voila..... you have cute Christmas globe ornaments.
Madison making her snowman ornament
I finally let the girls use a low-temp glue gun and they were loving their new-found freedom
Me & my creative soul, Macy
Macy's favorite.... she made one of a Snowman Band..... we made a stage with glitterly black felt, she took 3 snowmen ornaments and glued them down. We found small gold instrument ornaments (one sort of looked like a guitar), we made a microphone for the lead singer and colored some sunglasses on him with a fine-point black sharpie, and then we covered a small cylinder shape with some foil for a drum. The drummer even has candy-cane drumsticks. Like I said before she's so creative.... most of it was her idea!
Here's the one I helped Jacob make
After all that ornament making, the kids decided to sleep in the den on a "fort" we made for them. At one point, Macy & Jacob even had a roof over their section. What is it about fort that makes kids so happy? We took this picture to send to their dad who was in Arkansas hunting for 4 days....
We Love You, Daddy!!