Call it circumventing the chaos. I made a plan..... prioritized.... and blogging fell way down on the list.
But I got so much done (yay me!)..... I've decked the halls, the walls, the mantles, the doors, the chandeliers.... well, you get the point. I've planned out lots of crafts to do with the kids for Christmas, and we've been working on them almost daily. I've cleaned out the attic to make room for the PLETHORA of Halloween paraphernalia I've accumulated. Laundry's caught up.... yes, even the ironing! Most of the gifts are bought, wrapped and hidden (double yay me!). I decided to make an advent calendar for the kids that I've been working on just about EVERY WAKING MOMENT, but it's really cute and I'm so glad I did it (I'll blog about that one later and show you some pictures). Oh yeah, I took Christmas card pictures (yes, for the second time -- this time with a different dog.... ugh!), designed the card (my favorite one ever), and I've gotten most of them in the mail or delivered around town. Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it all, but I'm telling ya.... I'm on the ball! It's a small miracle.
And now I'm ready to take off with Jonathan to Atlanta for the weekend for some much deserved R&R and a little Christmas shopping to boot. Mama needs a break after all that hard work.
So here it goes..... some of the last month all squished together in one post..... a few pictures for you all.....
about twice as big as when we got him a month ago.
This is one of those pictures you always forget to take.... the nightly ritual....
bathtime craziness around mom's silk curtains she made.....
I know.... I'm insane to let them do it, but they have so much fun in there.
bathtime craziness around mom's silk curtains she made.....
I know.... I'm insane to let them do it, but they have so much fun in there.
Now that's what a mama likes to see!
grandparent's house in Decatur over Thanksgiving
Holly, Julee, Stacy, Elizabeth, Heather and me at Elizabeth's 40th birthday bash
Here she is, the birthday girl, Elizabeth Garrett. 40's not looking too bad these days!
Here she is, the birthday girl, Elizabeth Garrett. 40's not looking too bad these days!
And yes, my dear friend, You WILL ALWAYS be cool.
Hey, we finally got a picture together of just me and you.
Look, I think you're still talking instead of posing..... I know you love to talk,
but come on, we need a good picture together!
Look, I think you're still talking instead of posing..... I know you love to talk,
but come on, we need a good picture together!
Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You!
Hey, party girl.... is that a beer bottle in one hand and a glass of wine and a cell phone in the other??? Does 40 make you the consumate multi-tasker or what?
Hey, party girl.... is that a beer bottle in one hand and a glass of wine and a cell phone in the other??? Does 40 make you the consumate multi-tasker or what?
It's time to teach that boy a little physics!
Goofball 1.... Jacob MUST act silly during every picture taking session.
It's a rule that must not be broken.
It's a rule that must not be broken.
And there's been a whole lot of this going on this month. We've been making lots of keepsake ornaments for each of the kids' trees. It's so important to me that they all have ornaments that they've made themselves to show their own children one day. (Yeah, I'm a goofball, too)
And this past weekend we did our other ritual.... getting our tree the Sunday after Thanksgiving, just like we did 15 years ago for the first time the day after our first date. See, he's goofy too. We're holding up 15 fingers for those 15 years. Yee-hah, that's quite an accomplishment!
Gotta run now, but here's to wishing that we all have a stress-free month, full of family, friends and laughter, and of course, may we all remember the true gift of Christmas..... the gift of our Lord and savior.