Spring Break in Destin - Brrrrrrr!

Alright, so I'm a little behind on blogging. When I have time, I'm learning more about how to do it instead of actually doing it. I will get better -- it's that ole learning curve, you know? Well, March was jam packed. Especially since I had a little surgery that knocked me off my feet for a while, but I'm back. Better than ever!

We also had the kids' Spring Break so we went to Destin for the week. It was great to get away, but the weather was pretty windy & cold. At least we had heated pools, hot tubs and terrific shopping. We spent a lot of time at Destin Commons and of course, at Build-A-Bear. Jacob got a dinosaur that his daddy named Dyno-mite. Later, Jacob insisted he was "Dyno-Mike" instead. We all had a good laugh.

I had the kids by myself for all but 2 days of it -- Jonathan needed to get back to work. So between still recovering and having all three kids around every moment of every day for 9 days, I was definitely ready for the school bell to ring! But I did enjoy spending time together as a family with no other distractions. We love our neighborhood, but it's a wee bit rowdy sometimes!

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