Do you ever wonder if your kids are "getting it?"

I used to think that my girls' toddlerhood would be the most difficult time in raising them ..... they are 22 months apart so those first few years were quite a whirlwind. I loved each and every day, but there were definitely times that I was up to my eyeballs in crying (mostly them, not me!) and diapers and chasing after them. Back then they were the best of friends.... playing with their babies together, jumping in mud puddles together, twirling in the rain with their little umbrellas, and sleeping together (by choice) every single night. What one did, the other was right there with her sharing in the fun.

And then came elementary school.

Now I seem to always be wondering.... are the things that I'm saying to my kids actually PENETRATING those thick skulls? When I tell them... "be nice no matter what... even if the other person is ugly to you" or "she's your sister... she will be your best friend in life.... PLEASE treat each other nicely" or "always say please and thank you, yes ma'am and no ma'am" or "be respectful in the way you speak"..... you know.... the things we ALL tell our children while silently and simultaneously praying that at some point these lessons will get through to them.

And then I hear it..... the fussing.... the fighting..... the cruel words.... and I wonder... is this normal??? Am I overreacting? Were my sister and I this bad when we were growing up? Is it just that mature adults don't ever act this way and I'm just not accustomed to it? Are they going to stay this way forever? Am I doing something wrong here???

I hate that feeling..... trying so hard.... wanting and expecting things to be one way and the outcome is completely different. We all have so many hopes and dreams for our children. And one of my biggest hopes and dreams for my own kids is that one day they will grow up and remember their childhood as some of the best days of their lives. I just want them to be happy.

So that's why the fighting between them bothers me so much.... how in the world can they be really, truly happy if they are arguing all the time?

A couple of days ago before school they were at their worst and I had had it. I told them both, "You are now on restriction. There will be no TV, no computer and no friends after school today. You will each come in after school and before you even start on your homework, you will write me an essay on things you can do to make this family run a little better."

They looked at me like I was insane.

I didn't care.

So after school, I had the notebooks and pens ready for them. I think they were shocked that I was serious and that I remembered their "assignment." Madison, true to form, writes one sentence, VERY LARGE to fill up the entire sheet of paper -- "I should be nicer to my sister."

I wasn't all that happy with her effort.

Macy, also true to form, tackled her assignment thoughtfully and with much more insight than I had even hoped. This is what she wrote:

1. Maybe we should start talking nicer.

2. Don't hit, kick, slap or anything!

3. Work together as a team.

4. Try to share your things without yelling or saying anything bad.

5. Mind what mom and dad say when they say it.

6. DON'T push or say shutup or idiot or dumb. Also don't say moron or stupid.

7. NUMBER 1 RULE - Treat others the way you want to be treated.

And she even put a punishment for not minding the rule beside each one.

I was so happy.

She DOES get it.

And the funny thing is.... IT WORKED!! The house was so much more peaceful that afternoon. We all enjoyed being together and they actually got along!

So I guess we've got ourselves some new family rules..... THE RULES ACCORDING TO MACY..... I'm kind of liking that. And life is again really good.


☺Another Fondant Cake☺

This was a request from a family member, well at least the colour scheme, must say it looks quite colourful. I enjoyed it as usual...☺ I was stressing a bit, because the fondant teared on the one side, but luckily it could be fixed with those nice circles☺Thank goodness for decorations~~~
It actually looks quite African inspired to me...
☺{The stringy bow on top was made from royal icing, and also "glued" to the cake with royal icing. The border was also piped royal icing. It is a chocolate sponge cake, with butter cream icing covered in fondant}☺


Toddler Conversations.... Part 2

I love carpooling to preschool... not only does it give me a week off every other week from driving but it allows me a little glimpse into the life of my toddler and his interactions with his friends. Every day we pick up Walton and Baylor, my friend Holly's 3 year old twins, and the boys start their banter. Sometimes they fight, sometimes they drive me crazy, but most of the time I truly enjoy listening to their little conversations. Although they don't always make sense, it is quite entertaining... I like to turn off the radio and just listen... trying hard not to let them know I'm laughing at all the cute things they are saying.

This morning was no different. One's trying to out-do the next one and then the next one chimes in.... boys and their hero worship for their daddies. It went something like this...

WALTON: My daddy likes to hunt.

JACOB: Well, my daddy like to hunt more.

BAYLOR: My daddy hunts deer.

WALTON: Yea... he hunts big deer.

JACOB: Well, my daddy shoots deer, too.

WALTON: Well, my daddy shoots birds.

JACOB: Well, my daddy shoots ducks.

BAYLOR: Mine does too.

JACOB: My daddy shoots really big bears.

WALTON: My daddy shoots them too.

JACOB: Well, my daddy doesn't like cats. He shoots cats.

WALTON: Well, my daddy shoots hunting dogs.

JACOB: He can't shoot hunting dogs because the policeman will get him and shoot him.

BAYLOR: No, the policeman only shoots bad guys.

WALTON: Well, I like to shoot spiders.

JACOB: I don't like spiders. I'm scared of them!

WALTON: Well, I can save you.

JACOB: Buuuurrrrpp!

JACOB: I just burped (and he laughs)

WALTON: Nice one!

And they all start giggling like little girls....

I could barely hold in the laughter myself this time! And it looks like my fear of warping Jacob about policemen still holds true. Anyone got any ideas to help???


Seatbelt Nazi

Yes, that's me. I'm the Seatbelt Nazi. I think it all started when I was a senior in high school and my sister had a near fatal car crash. She was in the hospital for weeks, broke almost every rib on one side, punctured her lung, severed her spleen, had severe lacerations on her face, and was imbedded head to toe with gravel and burns from sliding across the interstate when she landed on the pavement. Yes. It was awful.

Ever since I have been an enormous proponent of seatbelts. Had she been wearing hers she probably would have walked away sore and banged up, but she would have been walking -- not taking 6 months to recover. And then there's the whole other story of my 14 year old niece dying in a car wreck.... same kind of thing... no seatbelt.

So fast forward....years later.... I have kids and I become the mom who won't back out of the driveway unless everyone is belted properly. I'm downright fanatical about it.

So today, Macy was sick and home with me. We go to Jacob's preschool to pick him up after school and I ask Macy to help get Jacob's seatbelt on. This is the conversation between them that follows:

Macy: C'mon Jacob. Let's get your seatbelt on.

Jacob: NO!!!!

Macy: Jaaaacooobbb.... you haaaaaaaaaave to....... you'll be killed if you don't wear it!

Jacob: No I won't!

Macy: Yes, Jacob! You HAVE to!

Jacob: No, I won't be killed by my seatbelt.... I'll be killed by the policeman if he doesn't see me wearing my seatbelt.

Macy: No you won't. Policemen don't kill people.

Jacob: Yes they do! If they don't wear their seatbelt, the policeman will shoot them!

And I'm in the front.... listening.... thinking maybe I've been a liiiiittle bit over the top about this seatbelt thing. I have absolutely scared my children to death! Poor things.... Macy thinks she's gonna die if she doesn't wear it every moment she's in the car and Jacob.... well, I'm afraid he's going to have an anxiety attack everytime he sees a policeman! I guess sometimes even with the best of intentions we warp our children. I'll probably spend the rest of Jacob's childhood trying to convince him that policemen aren't going to waste him if he forgets to buckle up!


Basketball Saturday's

Only one more practice and one more game left in Macy's basketball season.... and today she did pretty great. Jonathan's out of town so I thought I'd post a few pictures of our day for him.

Who said basketball isn't a contact sport??

Macy's first hoop of the day

Jacob couldn't watch he was so anxious..... or maybe bored....

We're proud of you, little May-May!

And now it's time for the really fun stuff.... packing in Mrs. Elizabeth's car to go to Kate's spend the night birthday party at their farm.We'll miss you guys, and wear your coats!! Happy Birthday Kate!


The "Old-Folk's Ball"

So yesterday I go shopping in downtown Auburn. That's a real treat for me... I love all the girly stores down there. It's great living in a college town because you don't need huge department stores to keep up with the latest fashions. There are trendy little shops right here.... the only downside is that at 38, I'm definitely one of their "older" customers.

But I always go anyway... avoiding at least half of the clothes in the store for reasons of age. I'm only about 5 pounds heavier than I was in college, so that part's OK, but I am almost 20 years older and I certainly don't ever want to look like a hoochie-mama, so I'm careful in what I try on and buy.

So there I am, in the dressing room trying on clothes, surrounded by voices of college girls trying on their own clothes and then I hear this....

GIRL 1: "Well, I don't know what I want. I've never had to buy anything like this before."

GIRL 2: "What do you mean? I think you should try on this dress."

GIRL 1: "Yea, but I don't think I could get by with that one. I can't really buy things I would normally buy.... it's for an "Old-Folk's Ball."

GIRL 2: "An Old-Folk's Ball?"

GIRL 1: "Yea.... my parents are MAKING me come home tonight for some ball for them and all of their friends. It's an "Old-Folk's Ball."

And then right there in the dressing room I was completely deflated. An "Old-Folk's Ball".... for her parents........ who are probably 45 if that!!!

Reminds me of the time a few years ago when I was at the shoe department in Dillards and this young, college-aged girl who was quite stressed out came up to me and said, "Ma'am.... could you PLEEEAAASE help me? I'm going to a wedding this weekend and I can't figure out which shoes to buy to go with this dress? My mom always helps me and I can't do it without her.... and now that I'm at Auburn, she can't help. Could you?"

And there I was thinking I'm looking alright for 35.... I've stayed out of the sun with my fair skin.... I even get carded when I buy alcohol most of the time!! One guy didn't even believe me when I showed him my license.... did I tell you that I asked him to be my best friend right after that??? How is it exaaaacctly that this college girl put me in the same category as her mama?? I still feel like I'm 26 or so....

HAAAA! Yea, right!!! Who am I fooling?

That's OK.... I don't really want to be back in college again anyway....... the dating, the rejection, the studying, the partying, the hangovers, and all that insecurity. I'm glad I'm 38. I've learned alot, I'm pretty comfortable in my own skin, and I know who I am now. I wouldn't give that up for anything -- not even smoother skin and a tighter backside!


Friday Night at the Looney Farm....

It's official. I'm crazy. And so is my friend Holly.

Our husbands have been out of town most of the week so we get this BRILLIANT idea to get out of the house.... with our 7 children (9, 7, 7, 5, 3, 3, and 3!!!) and go to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. I'm sure you can guess what I'm going to write next.... WE WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN. PERIOD.

I'm kidding. They were pretty good considering.... but c'mon.... 7 kids all 9 years old and under.... what were we thinking?? And the place was packed! I think we saw at least 5 families that we knew, and everyone kept asking why? Why would you put yourselves through this???

All I can say is that staying at home all the time with all your children, well, sometimes it just gets to you and makes you feel like it might actually be a better idea to just get out for a while. So then you do and you soon realize exactly why you don't do this more often!!

Here we all are... even the margaritas didn't help calm the chaos!

And here's sweet little Baylor...

And his twin, Walton, acting a fool, impregnating himself with a jacket I think.... why?? I don't really know... it's been quite a while since I was 3...

And here's Madison with her friend Gracen and little Jacob happy as a lark...

And the rest of the crazy crew.... Peyton, Walton, Macy and Tyler

I'd like to apologize now to all the people surrounding us and staring at us all night....
we will never do it again.... I promise!

And there's actually a woman out there who PAID to have 14 children!!!


Trading Spaces -- Office Edition

I've been a little busy this past month. Jonathan's new job is going great... it's a joy to see him take on this enormous challenge and thrive in his new work environment. He's been out of town alot... meeting with clients all over Alabama and pursuing new relationships at all his Wachovia branches. The only real down side in the beginning was his new office space. It was devoid of any decoration, white and well, just plain boring, and he really didn't like going to work there.

So that's where I came in.

I told him I'd try to help him make it a little more enticing for him to go to work everyday. He said, "Great, but I need it done by Monday." Well, it was Thursday. That didn't leave a whole lot of time.... and that's when I decided to pull a "Trading Spaces - Office Edition" on him. I went to Montgomery the next day, scoped the place out and started my wheels 'a turning. I formulated a plan, started shopping -- quickly!! Then then next day I packed up the car with ladders and paint and brushes and the rest and got to work. By Sunday afternoon I was done. I painted the office, bought frames, bought artwork, bought a plant, a lamp, a table, and found a rug -- oh, and made the curtains. It was quite a weekend!

But he was so happy with it, and I was so very happy to help and make it a place that he would really enjoy working in. So here it is.... the before's and after's....

This was the first rug I bought that I ended up taking back

Here it is with a little color on the walls

Here's the shot of when you walk in the office (and yes, I know I need to fill those frames with family photos.... it was a whirlwind weekend and I didn't quite get around to that one)

Here's the rest of the office. We took two chairs from an adjacent office to use temporarily.
That's where the chairs from Scott's will now go.

Madison, Macy and Jacob came to help us finish up on Sunday... they all loved it!


۞♣♫♥Third times a charm~~~۞♣♫♥

I decided to try my hand at a fondant cake again, it is a gift box cake, and thanks to the previous two practices im getting the hang of it... i've even decided to add a 3D bow on top. I've put before and after photos of the bow to give more of an idea as to how it is assembled. Take a look...


First cut 8 strips of 12cm in length and 3cm width. Then fold it onto each other glueing it together with a little bit of water, and then cut the end of the strips so it resembles an arrow. Also cut a 6cm x 3cm strip to make a circle and fasten it using water.

I let them dry over night by putting them on their sides and assembled it on the cake the next day, but you can also assemble it immediately and then just keep it from falling down by putting tissue paper inside some wax paper and put it inside the bows.
Ok, next... i baked the cake, made from scratch, i did a double batch of cake batter, any old cake will do. This is a chocolate cake it is very moist. Also i did it in 3 layers and iced it with butter cream icing

Chocolate Cake recipe

  • 250 ml Hot water

  • 125 ml Cocoa

  • 3 eggs

  • 15ml Baking Powder

  • 1ml Salt

  • 125ml Canola oil

  • 375ml Sugar

  • 450ml Cake flour

  • 5ml vanilla essence

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius

Mix cocoa, hot water and oil together untill everything is dissolved. Let it cool. Beat the eggs and sugar untill it is light yellow and fluffy. Sift the cake flour, baking powder and salt and add to egg mixture then add the cocoa mixture mix well. Pour into pans and bake for 25 - 30 min. Remember to make double the batter if you want 3 or 4 layers of cake.

Next, ice the cake with butter cream icing

And after all of this is finished you can cover the cake with the fondant and assemble the bow...

I piped a border with butter cream icing~~


Weekend from Heaven

Jonathan and I had the best time this weekend. He told me a couple of months ago that he wanted to do something special for Valentine's. His idea, you ask?? Go shoot some animals or something, he says. You may think that's a joke, but I know him well.... He was serious!

OK.... so he's not perfect.

And I responded by saying, "Well, I don't know about that.... but maybe we could go to Atlanta or something."

Then all on his own he mentioned going to Scott's....

Seeeeeeee.... there is a glimmer of perfection in there somewhere. I was excited but I was also feeling like we really shouldn't put ourselves in the position of being surrounded by beautiful antiques in this economy with his new job and everything. But we went and of course found more than we ever have. Jonathan ended up buying 2 chairs for his new office and I found a dresser, mirror and 2 nightstands for Macy's room. And then came my little Valentine's surprise... he let me buy 2 rugs for the kitchen and dining room! I love them. Want to see them??

This one's for the kitchen

And here's the one for the dining room

And here's one of the chairs for his new office

We did good, I thought. But much better than that was what a fabulous time we had together. It is so rare for us to get away by ourselves, and sometimes when we do I think we are still neck-deep in work or kids or projects or whatever that it's hard to just let it all go. But not this time. We really enjoyed every moment. And we even shopped well together -- that's a miracle!

If you're a regular follower of my blog you know that this past year as been a really tough one for both of us -- personally, professionally, and even in our marriage. Life isn't always a bed of roses, I guess. I think I came to a crossroads last year, and I finally put my foot down and said enough's enough! There were days I didn't know exactly how it would all turn out... and days that I didn't have much hope that it would be good. But isn't it so great on the other side.... when you know you've done the work, put in the effort and it's all paid off. I think we both realized this weekend why we chose each other in the first place all those years ago. We laughed, and talked and ate and drank and just had fun together. I told him it was the best trip we've taken since our honeymoon. And it's too darn bad that us mommies and daddies don't do that much more often.

Thank you, Jonathan, for putting me first. I love you and I appreciate all that you are doing to let me know that I'm your girl. Happy Valentine's.

And, of course, I was running so late getting out of town that I forgot my camera so you'll have to settle for the picture of the kid's getting their Valentine's present from us when we got home. What do you know? ANOTHER WEBKINZ!!! Just what they all needed!


Waffle House Follow Up

Unfortunately we didn't make it to the big Valentine's Day Dinner at Waffle House -- Jonathan and I went to Atlanta to celebrate the day ALONE (I'll blog about that one later). But fortunately my friend, Kristine McClary and her family did go. They had a great time!!! I have now completely changed my mind and all the ugly things I said about the Waffle House sweetheart special.

Kristine and her family went to the Auburn basketball game and then went on over to Awful House for their reservation-only dinner. She said it was wonderful and the kid's loved it! I think she's started a new tradition, and I think we should all join them next year! Mark it on the calender.

They decorated the tables... isn't that cute??

That old, familiar menu...

And, yes, they actually DID have violinists!!!

Here's Kristine, Justin, Charlotte and David -- Glad you guys had fun!!


Cake Balls!!!

It looks like truffles, but it is actually cakes balls. They are simply delicious and very easy to make...

Want to make them??:
2 and a half packets of oreo biscuits crushed.
1 227g of Cream Cheese
Chocolate for melting
Mix the Crushed oreo's with the cream cheese, roll in balls, and put in freezer for 1 hour. Melt chocolate in a bowl and roll the chilled balls in the chocolate. Put in freezer for 5 minutes, take out and decorate. as easy as 1, 2, 3...

Red velvet cake

I found a recipe for a red velvet cake, i have never had red velvet cake before. So i decided it was time, i made it from scratch, seeing as we dont have red velvet cake pre mix on the shelves. I must say it was awesome...especially with the cream cheese frosting...MMMmmmm and seeing as it is red inside i decided in honour of valentines day i would make it in a heart shaped pan~~~

Want to try it?
Here is the recipe~~~

Red Velvet Cake:

2 1/2 cups (250 grams) sifted cake flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons (15 grams) Dutch-processed cocoa powder
1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted
butter, at room temperature
1 1/2 cups (300 grams) granulated white
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup (240 ml) buttermilk
2 tablespoons liquid red food coloring
1 teaspoon white distilled vinegar
1 teaspoon baking soda
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Butter two - 9 inch (23 cm) round cake pans and line the bottoms of the pans with parchment paper. Set aside.
In a mixing bowl
sift together the flour, salt, and cocoa powder. Set aside.
In bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, beat the butter until soft (about 1-2 minutes). Add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy (about 2-3 minutes). Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the vanilla extract and beat until combined.
In a measuring cup whisk the buttermilk with the red food coloring. With the mixer on low speed, alternately add the flour mixture and buttermilk, in three additions, beginning and ending with the flour.
In a small cup combine the vinegar and baking soda. Allow the mixture to fizz and then quickly fold into the cake batter.
Working quickly, divide the batter evenly between the two prepared pans and smooth the tops with an offset spatula or the back of a spoon. Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 25 - 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cakes comes out clean. Cool the cakes in their pans on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Place a wire rack on top of the cake pan and invert, lifting off the pan. Once the cakes have completely cooled, wrap in plastic and place the cake layers in the freezer for at least an hour. (This is done to make filling and frosting the cakes easier.)

And for the Cream Cheese Frosting:

1 1/2 (360 ml) cups heavy whipping cream
1 - 8 ounce (227 grams) cream cheese, room temperature
1 - 8 ounce (227 grams) tub of Mascarpone cheese, room temperature
3/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup (115 grams) confectioners' (icing or powdered) sugar, sifted

Cream Cheese Frosting: In your food processor, or with a hand mixer, process the cream cheese and mascarpone cheese until smooth. Add the vanilla and confectioners sugar and process until smooth. Transfer this mixture to a large mixing bowl.
Then, in the bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, whip the cream until stiff peaks form. With a large spatula, gently but quickly fold a little of the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture to lighten it. Then fold in the remaining whipped cream, in two stages. If the frosting is not thick enough to spread, cover and place in the refrigerator for an hour, or until it is firm enough to spread.
Assemble: With a serrated knife, cut each cake layer in half, horizontally. You will now have four cake layers. Place one of the cake layers, top of the cake facing down, onto your serving platter. Spread the cake layer with a layer of frosting. Place another layer of cake on top of the frosting and continue to frost and stack the cake layers. Frost the top and sides of the cake. Can garnish the cake with sweetened or unsweetened