Cupcake Stands- I LOVE these!!!

Oh my goodness I just love these!! A few days ago I saw a cute little cupcake stand in a boutique for $25. I LOVED it, but the practical (cheap) side of me said "$25 for a cupcake way!" So I said, and anyone that knows me can attest to this, "I'll just MAKE one!"

So I went home and did a little brainstorming, took a trip to Hobby Lobby and came up with this design! And now I'm addicted to constructing cupcake stands. ;)

Doesn't he look so important sitting on top of his own individual stand?????

This one I made for a friend's little girl whose birthday isn't until mid July, but I needed an excuse to craft. ;)

And last but not least...the "masculine" cupcake stand...holding a DELICIOUS chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake. OMG SO YUMMY!!!! (details on this cupcake coming soon!)

And now I wish I had thought to post a tutorial on how to make these cutey patooty little guys! Its so easy and I promise as soon as I have a reason to make another one I will definitely remember to take pictures so I can walk you all through the process. :) OR, let me know and I'll make you one for your special occasion!!!