The Birthday Girls

My friend Heather, who rounded the corner into that 4th decade a few months ago, humorously nicknamed herself Mee-Maw. It cracks me up because she always saying things like, "It's past Mee-Maw's bedtime. Mee-Maw has GOT to go home."

I'm thinking that maybe here on my 39th birthday, I might have just become Mee-Maw's good friend Maw-Maw. It'll be great...... we'll hang out..... share stories from back in the day when we danced to the Go's-Go's and ate candy cigarettes that our parents bought for us........ when we got our first microwave and played our 45's on the record player....... and the time my finger got stuck in the hole of my rotary phone...... we'll share secrets of the best wrinkle creams and sleep aids........ and then we'll commiserate over our sore backs and knees that pop every time we bend down to pick up our reading glasses. Just call me Maw-Maw....

Molly, I guess that makes you Baby Cakes...... seeing as though you're all of 33 tomorrow!! Oh, to be 33 again.... enjoy it, girl.

So we went out last night to celebrate Molly's and my birthdays. Great food, a few laughs..... I love to hang out with the girls. Maybe now that school's about to start, we can get together a little more often.

Here we are at Amsterdam for our little birthday celebration

The birthday girls..... Molly & me

Loving that yellow shirt, and loving even more that the entertainment just showed up

Amy, Elizabeth & me

Holly looking a little masculine don't you think?
Ha! Holly, pink and ruffles DO NOT convey masculinity, girl! You look great.

Is that an unposed picture of Julee?? And it's a great picture, too

Heather, Holly & Stacy
(doesn't Stacy look just like the Chicken Salad Chick? -- see image below)

Julee and Molly.... looking like sisters

Holly, me & Rona..... OK, stop taking all these damn pictures, right?

Rona, Heather, Amy, Elizabeth & Holly

Alright, Heather..... you wanted some not-so-posed, goofier shots...... here's one for ya!

Getting ready for Stacy's infamous Birthday Song

And there she goes...... just a singin' and a dancin'

Thanks for a fun birthday guys!
363 days to the big 4-0. I'm going to make this my best year ever.