What we're up to.....

Sometimes I wonder when I'm posting all these family photos..... "Hmmmm..... doesn't this stuff get a little boring to all the throngs of people visiting my blog?" Throngs (hee, hee). And then I think.... "Well, they do keep coming back -- it must not be soooo bad." So I hope you'll keep coming back to visit and stay in touch. Here it goes...... life as we knew it..... Thursday through Sunday.....


So Thursday, Jonathan's parents came by to visit on their way back home from the beach. Macy is showing Mama Betty the book we made for them of family pictures.
Mama Betty was so excited to get it.


The girls got a little gift, too. Here they are with Papa Scott & Mama Betty with the shirts they brought them from a trip to Cape Cod


And here's Macy..... yep, that's a pretty good representation of life around here.......


And I guess this is, too.....Mama painting a game for the Halloween party after Jonathan's parents left to go home to Decatur.... and yes, instead of tailgating on Saturday


Here's that tailgate..... yes, it's looking a wee bit wet out there don't ya think?
Maybe a bigger reason why we didn't tailgate this Saturday was
But hey, looks like they had fun anyway.
They were Dye-hard and braved the storm.....
with their soggy, soggy children, too.

And by the way, How About Them Auburn Tigers?????
Man, was that a great game or what!!

And now on to the BIG show of the weekend. Sunday after church, I went back out to the garage to work on Halloween games and the rest of the kids (Madison, Macy, Kate & Wheeler) decided to put a little show together for us. And then it started...... the screams of "ACTION!"..... "CUT!!" and a whole lot of banging around (there were times I thought the chandeliers might just drop right out of the ceiling). So I think that little show turned into a golly-whopper of a BIG show...... and then, hours and hours later, we finally were called upstairs to watch, and maybe even more importantly......VIDEO TAPE.


So here they go.... introducing themselves before the dance started....
(and by the way, that is a Halloween costume Macy's wearing.....
left over from her "Boy Phase"...... not Mama's favorite.)


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.......... The Wet's!!!"
(Yes, this is the name of the "band" they thought of all by themselves.....
appropriate because they will only perform with soaking wet hair.)


And Kate's starts with quite a kick while the other two break danced around her.....
Watch out people, these kids are serious!


Macy helping Kate up off the floor...... she needs it too after falling at the tailgate
and skinning up both her knees


Solo time.......Life is just more fun when you're upside down!


Hanging out after the show


And even better when they're silly


Aren't they cuties.... even with their wet hair??

They wanted me to post the video we took of the show..... but just between you and me, well, I thought I'd grant you a pardon. I thought the dance was great.... but I'm their mama, and it might just be one of those things only a mother would love. What I enjoyed most about the whole project was how well they worked together -- ALL DAY! -- choreographing, singing, practicing, dancing..... they really worked hard and managed to have a great time, too.

It was pretty funny at the end of the show though. They were BEGGING me to go upload the video to You-Tube. I told them, "No.... not tonight.... it's time for everyone to go home now."

To which they all starting screaming and shouting.....
"Pleeeeeasssee..... that's the ONLY reason we did all this!"

Trying to be the voice of reason I said, "C'mon guys..... you did all this to have FUN."

To which my eight year old replies,
"No, mom, we did this
to be
FAMOUS on You-Tube."

Aye-yigh-yigh..... these kids! The You-Tube generation....