My new website!

Whew! It's been a busy couple of weeks! School's in session.... 3 DIFFERENT schools.... and mama's been building a website. And building, and building, and building. And tweaking, and tweaking..... Alright, you get the idea, but seriously, I've been waking up at crazy hours like 2:00am and 3:00am and 4:00am for the last week and a half, all to fit in a few more precious hours to the day. And today I can finally reveal my little project.... so go check it out if you get the chance. I've still got to get some more appropriate music uploaded, but I'll save that for another day.... just click below to visit:

I'm so happy to have it done (well, sort of done), but in designing it I realized how much work I still have left to do to get Shindig up and going. I have to say, I feel so lucky and blessed to be able to do exactly what I want to do, what makes me happy, yet still work from my home with my kids all around. I won't lie.... it gets a little frustrating at times to be interrupted 5 times because "He put his hand on my leg!!" while I'm trying to decipher HTML code, but I truly wouldn't have it any other way. God bless my children and their ability to hang in there with me through this whole business venture! I love you guys!