Our Christmas Card

Since my Christmas card printer messed me up this year, and I'm just now getting my Christmas cards in the mail, I thought I'd go ahead and post it for everyone to see. I ordered these on Nov. 28th and they just came to me yesterday! Don't get me started on how a company called "Overnight Prints" can take 3 weeks to get Christmas cards to a customer! Yikes!! But they did finally arrive, and I think they turned out pretty cute.

I've been so busy this year, I just didn't seem to find the time to take the annual Christmas card family photo shoot, so I took advantage of Auburn's amazing season and our victory party down at Toomer's Corner after the Iron Bowl game where we beat Alabama to take a few shots. I still can't believe I put that family photo on the back of the card -- Mama had on NOOOOOO makeup! You know I've been busy when I'll send out photos sans makeup!!

What a great year to be an Auburn Tiger!! I hope you enjoy the pictures!


The front of the card -- my little War Eagle Auburn babies!


The inside


And the back side
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
And make sure to mail those cards -- we all love receiving them!