Bible School

What a week! Art camp in the morning, friends over in the afternoon, and Bible School at night. I'm so tired and so are the girls, but it's been great and they couldn't be having a better time at Bible School. The band gets all the kids pumped up for the first 15 minutes or so -- everybody's jumping up on the chairs and dancing. All the band members are either wearing crazy, mad scientist wigs or they've colored their hair and gelled it to where it stands straight up, and of course all the kids think that's so cool. Then we're off to our activities... crafts, missions, drama, recess, and all the rest.

Last night we played a game where the kids had to surround their leader (me) and lock arms around her to protect her from all the other groups of kids trying to spray us with water bottles. It was so much fun! Then the tables turned and all the adults got the spray bottles and chased the kids to get them back. We were all soaking wet after, but it was definitely a memorable night for the kids. At the end of the night we all go back into the sanctuary, the band kicks in again, the room is dark, the disco ball is going (yes, we have a huge disco ball at our church!!! It's a remnant from the first days of the church when they met at a skating rink before the new building) and the kids go wild!! I feel sorry for all the parents driving their kids home at 8:45 at night and trying to get them settled down for bed after the "rock concert" they've just been to. I feel sorry for them because I'm having to do the same thing and my kids are so wired when we get home!

They're learning lots, but mostly they are having fun which in the end is what we all want -- for our kids to want to go to church. And I love being able to spend that individual time with Macy (being the middle child, she's more in need of that than anyone), even though I do have 7 other boys in my group to watch over. I've always thought boys were easier than girls to raise, but I may have just changed my mind after dealing with one of the boys in my group this week. Can anyone give me some Ritalin, PLEEEEASE!!!!! No, he's sweet, just a wee bit rowdy! Anyway, I'm glad to be a part of it. Here are a few pictures from the week... (Click the 'X' if the slide show stops)