Celebrate Good Times... Again!

This has been such a great birthday -- it's been more like a birthweek instead of a birthday. Friday night we went out as a family to Laredo to celebrate, and you know what they do there -- the singing... the sombrero... and the way I remember it... the fried ice cream they usually bring to the birthday girl. But no... for whatever reason the Amigos didn't bring the expected dessert -- they opted for a TEQUILA SHOT instead -- rimmed with salt, fresh with a lime... you know the deal. Now I don't know about you, but it's been a VERY long time since I've shot tequila -- about 21 years to be exact! Gosh, that's hard to admit... that I could have been drinking 21 years ago! (Am I really that old???) So... shocked as I was, the pressure of the 10 Amigos standing there waiting was getting to me... I ever so slowly put the shot to my lips, tasted it and said, "No Way! I can't do it!" It's a good thing I have such a generous husband... he took over, grabbed the shot and drank it down.

The kids had no idea what was the big deal. They were like, "What's that? Why is it in such a tiny glass? Why won't you drink it, mama?" Anyway, we had fun, then came home and opened my gifts and put the kids to bed early so we could get some sleep before we were off to Atlanta the next morning. And what do you know, right as I was tucking myself into bed, the phone rings, it was Shelley & Robbie wishing me a happy birthday. They said, "We're in your driveway. Let's celebrate!" The next thing I knew it was 3:00am and Jonathan & I were wondering how in the world we were going to get up in just a few hours to take the kids to the aquarium! We had the best time -- Thanks guys for ringing in my new year with me!

You're probably growing weary of birthday slideshows, but here's one more. And thanks again to everybody for making this day so special.
(Click the 'X' if the slide show stops)

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