Kid's Halloween Party

On Wednesday we had a little Halloween bash at our house for all the kids around here -- well, maybe not little... we ended up inviting about 90 children!! And then, thanks to my friend, Beth Smith, we had about 10 teenagers who came to help too. She was an amazing help through this whole party -- THANKS BETH!!! It was great to see all the kids around here playing together having fun, from the very young ones to the those getting a little to cool for all this Halloween stuff.

We had lots of different stations set up for them to play games like a football toss, a witch hat ring toss, bowling, cookie decorating, etc. And then we had a musical monsters game (similar to musical chairs), a gross out table where the kids were blind folded and had to stick their hand in bat guts (spaghetti & Jello), zombie brains (mashed bananas) and goblin eyeballs (peeled grapes & Jello), and we had a sack race. But according to Lauren DeWeese, the Making a Witch's Brew table was the best. The kids poured alien blood (green kool-aid), then added some zombie snot (ice cream), some goblin spit (Sprite), and a dash of ants (chocolate sprinkles) to make their ghoulish concoction. I think I have to differ with her a bit though -- I love the mummy wrap. There's nothing like going through 36 rolls of toilet paper in 3 minutes flat! I love that my children are growing up in this great neighborhood full of kids, and I especially love when we all get together to celebrate these fun holidays! Thanks everyone for making this year's party a hit! And another thanks to Julee for helping me out! It takes a village to throw a party!

