Annie..... Uhhhh, I mean Holly...... Get Your Gun!

My friends Jack and Barclay have lately been through one of those moments in life we all dread..... Jack's dad has been ill for the last couple of months and he passed away last week. Our hearts go out to them both.... they were very close and he will be dearly missed by their family. As their friends, we have all wanted to do what we can, however small, to let them know how sorry we are and to support them through this really tough time. Last Friday was the visitation in Eufaula, so Holly, Julee and I took a little drive to Eufaula to see them. Driving into Eufaula is like something out of an old, Southern novel.... tree-lined streets with antebellum homes everywhere. It's the sort of town you don't think exists anymore until you see it for yourself.

So there we were..... just spotting the beautiful, white mansion Jack grew up in and Holly and I were riding in the front of the car. We heard Julee, sitting in the back, saying something about a man trying to tell us something. First Holly turned down the radio and then we too heard a man outside the car saying something, but we couldn't understand just what. That's when we turned around to look.

That was no ordinary man from Eufaula..... it was a STATE TROOPER..... on his intercom...... (did you get that? I-N-T-E-R-C-O-M!!)..... TALKING TO US! Holly rolled her window down and said, "WHAT????" He replied (and this time we heard him loud & clear)....
"Ma'am, there's a pistol on your bumper. Pull over."

Say what???? A pistol???

Needless to say we were all freaking a little..... praying it's some kind of toy.... wondering why in the world this man would pull us over for having a toy gun on the bumper. Holly gets out and we hear her say, "Is it real??" To which the officer replies, "It sure looks real."

Yes, it does!! No wonder he pulled us over.... and did I mention EVERYONE in town was going to the visitation.... the streets were bumper to bumper with cars while this man is patiently, over & over again telling us there's a pistol on our car.

You be the judge.... Julee snapped this little picture after with her cell phone....

YIKES!!! And the most amazing part is that it's plastic and somehow stayed on Holly's bumper all the way from Auburn!

At least it was good to be able to tell Barclay a funny story to try to lift her spirits a little....
and even funnier that everyone we told later said, "Ahhhhh.... Walton!! Had to be!"
Holly, you're in for it with that little one.