Art Camp for the girls... therapy for me

Therapy for the soul... that's what today was. It was the last day of art camp for the girls, and I had an appointment in Montgomery. So for the first time in 4 years, I wasn't able to make it to their art exhibition and I asked Jonathan to work in Auburn today and go for me.

Now here's the therapy part. Imagine this... I wake up, take a shower (yeah, you heard me right), get ready, put on a cute outfit (not the usual running shorts & work out bra), and still had not even seen the kids. Then, after I'm done, I go into the kitchen and they're already almost ready to go to camp... WITH NO HELP FROM ME! See, guys, it IS possible. Then Jonathan takes them to camp (get it? I don't have to do carpool!) And here's the best part... I get into his Lexus (which has awesome pick up power, unlike my SUV) and I proceed to Montgomery -- BY MYSELF, driving fast, with 3 Doors Down blaring on the stereo. I'm singing my heart out -- BY MYSELF -- with no one interrupting! It was pure bliss, I tell you.

Then the other really good part -- my appointment in Montgomery was with a make-up artist. I had a her for 2 whole hours to myself -- BY MYSELF. Told ya it was a good day! Afterward, I looked at great shoes, tried on bathing suits, bought one, bought a necklace -- again, all BY MYSELF. It was perfect. And then it ended (as all good things tend to do) -- the clock struck 12:00 and Cinderella had to run home. But at least I got to drive a different car again, listen to my tunes again, and eat a big ole cookie slice with icing all over it on my way (I know it's not all that attractive to sing with a huge hunk of chocolate chip cookie in your mouth, but remember, I was BY MYSELF so I really didn't care.)

It's not that I don't enjoy being with my kids, it's just that days like today make me a better mom. We all need a little "me" time, a little time to be pampered, and I don't know about you, but I really never get any.

So.... about "The Visual Arts Workshop for Children"... A.K.A. - art camp... The Auburn University art department hosts the camp a few different times each summer. The girls always love it. This time they learned about Mexican folk art, Mexican Oaxacan animals, printmaking, weaving, Dali inspired drawings and a few clay projects. We are so lucky to live in this town amid this great University that has such a connection to the community. Our kids are exposed to things they would never see even in a larger town. Weagle Weagle War Damn Eagle!

Anyway, the girls brought all their art home and we spent part of the afternoon displaying some of the projects prominently in their rooms. And we took a few photos. For any of you who have never been to art camp, you should check it out. There are two more sessions this summer.

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