My friend questionnaire...

My sweet friend, Julee, seen in the photo to your left (who is convinced that she only has one "good" side so she gets a permanent crick in her neck every time a camera is near) is the only one of my friends who is a blog-addict like me. She has helped me see the error of my ways in not documenting all the precious, crazy moments of my life raising 4 children -- oops, I mean, 3 children and a husband. She has been there with me through every obstacle, frustration and triumph of this new hobby in the blogosphere. Thanks Julee!!! She emailed me with a quiz, I thought I'd share it and my answers with you all...

1. Do you like blue cheese? Not especially.

2. Have you ever smoked? Unfortunately, yes.

3. Do you own a gun? No, but my husband has enough for the both of us.

4. What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? I pretty much just drink water -- all the time.

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? I guess it depends on what kind of doctor it is.

6. What do you think of hot dogs? I think they're disgusting, even with chili, onions & cheese to mask their awfulness.

7. Favorite movie? THE NOTEBOOK!!!! I start crying 10 minutes into it at the ferris wheel scene and I don't stop til the glorious end.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water

9. Can you do push ups? Nope, don't really want to either. Well, I guess if there were a chocolate chip cookie beneath me, I might be willing to do a push up for it.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My engagement ring.

11. Favorite hobby? Don't have just one -- painting canvases, decorating, painting walls, photography, blogging, anything that challenges me

12. Do you have A.D.D.? No, but I think my husband does, and it's pretty nerve-racking -- probably more so for him, but it's not a party for me either.

13. What's one trait you like about yourself? I think, ultimately, it's my determination -- It helps me succeed at things I never imagined possible and it's gotten me through many a tough time in my life.

14. Middle name: Lea

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I love the song I'm listening to on my computer; Gosh, these doughnuts for the kids sure do look good!; How can the house be this messy -- the maid was just here Thursday!

16. Name 3 things you bought yesterday: Makeup, a bathing suit, and a necklace -- I had a "pamper mommy" day

17. Name 4 drinks you regularly drink? Water, water, water and french martini's.

18. Current worry? Surviving the summer outnumbered by my children.

19. Current hate right now: Only one??? Gosh, that's hard -- I guess that all the plants I spent so much money on are dead.

20. Favorite place to be? Asleep! No, just kidding, maybe on a rollercoaster.

21. How did you bring in the New Year? Are you joking? I can barely remember what I did yesterday!

22. Where would you like to go? Eventually, heaven. But right now, ITALY!!!!

23. Name two people who will complete this: I would say Julee, but it came from her so I think that might be considered cheating! Holly & Tamara.

24. Do you own slippers? Yes, but I never wear them. You know Jonathan thinks my toes are my best feature, so I don't tend to cover them up.

25. What shirt are you wearing? A pink t-shirt.

26. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Not really. I'm not really sure they're meant to be SLEPT on anyway.

27. Can you whistle? Nope, but I can do the splits and sing really loud.

28. Favorite color? Brown -- deep, dark chocolatey brown.

29. Would you be a pirate? What? A pirate? No. Massacres and stealing aren't quite my thing. I don't really dig the whole "matey" thing either, although I'm sure Johnny Depp could get me to convert.

30. What songs do you sing in the shower? That's interesting... I sing just about everywhere else, but never in the shower.

31. Favorite girl's name? Hmmm, I kind of like "Sheneqkwa" -- No, I really still like Macy, because it's unique. I like boy's names for girls and especially surnames for girls. Jonathan always wanted to name our boy Wilson, after his granddad -- I kept trying to get him to agree to it for the girls, but no can do. He wouldn't do it. Wilson, for a girl, is cute I think.

32. Favorite boy's name? I like surnames for boys, too. But we named Jacob after his cousin who had died in a car accident the year before he was born. That feels really good to give his name that kind of purpose and intention.

33. What's in your pocket right now? Lint

34. Last thing that made you laugh? Julee, on the phone this morning -- can't divulge why. And hey, by the way Julee, you said in your questionnaire the "Sex and the City" movie was the last thing to make you laugh. You better not have gone to see that movie without me!!!!

35. Favorite bed sheets as a child? Raggedy Ann -- I was obsessed with Raggedy Ann -- go figure.

36. Worst injury you've ever had? A completely broken heart.

37. Do you love where you live? I can't believe how lucky I am. We thought about building in so many other places! God definitely had a plan.

38. How many TV's do you have in your house? 10 - someone could break in and steal a couple and I don't even think we'd notice.

39. Who is your loudest friend? Alright, on Julee's questionnaire she answered that I was her loudest friend! That's not nice! And, hey, that's only when I'm out with ya'll because you know I have hearing issues -- I think it's all that rock 'n roll. At home, I'm rather pleasant (well, that is, until my children do something really awful, and my voice raises to levels that could scare a grizzly bear away). As for my answer, Holly used to be pretty loud, but she's reigned that in a bit, I guess it would be Shelley.

40. How many dogs do you have? None, thank goodness. Jonathan would be swollen, red and sneezing all the time. That wouldn't be all that attractive after a while.

41. Does someone have a crush on you? Absolutely! -- Jonathan all of a sudden thinks I'm pretty cute again. That's kind of nice after so many years

42. What is your favorite book? That's hard. There are lots. Recently I really loved "Pillars of the Earth" and I also got a lot out of "Eat, Pray, Love"

43. What is your favorite candy? Anything chocolate, no hard candy. Either reesee's or a hershey king-size with almonds.

44. Favorite Sports Team? Your kidding, right? AUBURN!

45. What song do you want played at your funeral? I think it would be fun for it to be a party with lots of Nickelback and 3 Doors Down blaring, and a big screen slide show of all the fun times I've had.

46. What were you doing 12 AM last night? Tossing and turning. We went to bed at about 11:30 but I couldn't get to sleep.

47. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Yuck, I have to do this again? I was so warm and comfortable. But if I hurry and get up, I could get a little time to myself before the war, I mean day begins!

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