Christmas in Savannah

This past weekend I took the kids to see my sister and her children in Savannah. I love to visit but I always dread the 5+ hour trip in the car with the kids.... somehow a long trip turns the normally pretty well behaved munchkins into complete heathens. They fight and complain and by the end of the drive I feel like my head might start spinning around Exorcist style. So this time I had a plan... new Nintendo games... new CDs.... new Ipods.... that will definitely solve the problem.

But within 30 minutes on I-85 I knew I was wrong -- I turned one problem into another. Have you ever been forced to hear David Archuletta over & over again? If you have... you know what I'm talking about! I couldn't decide which was worse.... playing the CD on the car stereo where I had no choice but to listen to 12 or so songs that sound exactly the same... and none of them good OR letting them play the CD on their ipods where I couldn't actually hear the music, but I was instead forced to hear the kids' sing A capella, completely out of tune. I really thought I would go insane!

But all in all, they were much better than in other trips, and we had a great time once we got there.

Jacob making his own pallet on the floor... he wouldn't let anyone help him AT ALL. I can't imagine where he gets that from!

Hanging out playing bingo

Jacob found the perfect spot to go to sleep

Jack and his new bow & arrow set we got him for Christmas

Connor & Ben and their Itunes gift cards

Cooper and his new real night vision goggles.... he decided to get really dressed up to open gifts!

My mom forced the kids to all take a picture together one night....
they weren't very happy about it either...

And the outtakes...

I wish you lived closer, Haley. We really miss you guys! And thanks for all that yummy food!