Christmas morning...

So after MUCH too much begging... the kids finally talked us into letting them open a couple of presents on Christmas Eve. I actually like it that way because they have time to play without the distraction of so many new things on Christmas day -- but, of course, I don't let them know that! Then we made homemade cookies for Santa, wrote him notes and all the rest... and got those wild Indians up the stairs tucked all snuggly in their beds so Santa Clause could come to town. And boy did Santa have ALOT to do this year after those little ones were sleeping!

And believe it or not, this was the first year I didn't actually have to wake the kids up myself on Christmas morning. We've had years where by 7:30am, I'm banging pots and pans around with the video camera primed and ready to shoot those sleepy heads coming down the stairs! And other years I've physically gone up and pulled them out of bed! Not this year though. I woke up at 4:00am, probably because I couldn't wait myself, and then couldn't get back to sleep for a long while. Then they all came in our room about 6:00 screaming with excitement. They loved everything they got... I worked hard this year to just spend the money on things they really needed or I knew they would really use. And it was so nice to not have anywhere to go afterward... I stayed in my pajamas all day and played with them -- my poor neighbors were forced to hang out with me in the cul-de-sac in the late afternoon with my nappy hair, no makeup and my booties. Oh well... sorry guys.

All their loot...

My little animal lover

Just what we need... ANOTHER Webkinz!

A Rip-Stick!!! I love Santa!!!

They DO love each other

Jacob's gonna be tearing up the cul-de-sac in his new jeep

Macy's basketball game... I couldn't even get it in the playroom it was so big!

What is this, you say?? This is what a 38 year old mama of three gets in her stocking.
Sad, don't you think?

Best of all, the kids actually remembered the REAL reason for Christmas -- Macy said a prayer without any prompting, wishing Jesus a very happy birthday and thanking him for dying on the cross to save all of us. And just when I was beginning to wonder if I might need to rethink my whole strategy on parenting! Thank you, sweet girl. Mommy loves you all! Merry Christmas!