Tag, I'm it!

So I've been tagged by a Facebook friend.... not the tag you normally see on blogs... the "tell 7 random facts about yourself" tag. No, this one is "Tell 10 HONEST things about yourself."

Shouldn't be too hard... I pride myself on my honesty (although it usually gets me more trouble than just keeping my big mouth zipped). Here it goes...


1. I wish that I had a "Leave it to Beaver Family" growing up.... OK, I know it's just a TV show, but I was seriously wanting a dysfunction-free family. I pretty much hung out at my friend's houses, soaking up every ounce of normalcy that I could. Thanks to all those families who helped raise me.... I still love and cherish you all!

2. I'm scared to death about my husband starting his career over at almost 40... but I have faith and believe in him... it's the right move, although right now I feel like I'm going to throw up.

3. I was really, really, really happy to have a little boy. I would have loved a little girl, too, but the idea of having a son after my two girls was thrilling to me. Maybe it's because I never had a brother and always wanted one.... maybe it's because I intuitively knew somehow that raising a boy would be a whole lot easier.

4. I don't think I ate a vegetable (besides french fries, if you count that) until I was 20. I pretty much lived on pizza, peanut butter, Stouffer's macaroni & cheese and cereal... Corn Pops and Honeycomb to be exact. I try to not get too stressed out to this day about my kids being so picky with their eating... I keep hoping they will follow in my footsteps, and one day finally just decide to try an avocado.

5. I smoked enough cigarettes in high school and college to fund a small third world country... pray for me, please!!! We'd ride around after school, hang out at the Magic Market with all of our friends and smoke until we couldn't breathe anymore. And somehow I miss that! I can still get in my car at night to go to Walmart, crank up the radio, and get that old nostalgic feeling to drive by the Mart to see whose hanging out. For those of you out there who did that with me... I think you know what I mean. There was something really special about that place! Which leads me to my #6...

6. I had some of the best times of my life in high school and had no idea at the time that that was so. Our biggest problems were what to wear or how we were going to get alcohol on Friday night... just riding around laughing with my girlfriends -- no worries.... it was great!! Don't really want to go back, but it's fun to remember!

7. I question myself with just about every decision I make as a parent -- I just want so badly to do it right!

8. I could live off doughnuts, chocolate chip cookies and mocha cake if I didn't think I'd end up looking like this....

That's enough to make anyone run straight to the Slim-Fast aisle at Walmart!

9. My favorite thing to do is just to be alone. Is that weird??? I love a quiet house. I love to stay in my pajamas and not care what I look like.... I love to eat cookie dough straight from the frig without all the muchkins surrounding me begging to get their little hands on MY dough! I love turning up the music and cleaning the house... with no requests for the Jonas Brothers. There is no peace like being alone for a while... and then I miss them and want them to come home!

10. I really, really love my blog. Love to post to it... love to watch my kids grow up on it... love to share it with others... but most of all I love reading all the funny comments from my friends. I have learned so much this year! Thanks Julee for starting the craze.

So, that wasn't too bad.... do you still like me after all that honesty???

Time for Tagging!!! I Tag Elizabeth, Julee, Molly, Tiffany and Kimberly -- You go girls!!