Tagged Again....

After my last tagging I protested and said, "NO MORE!!" and then came the next tagging game..... Facebook is full of these posts right now... Tell 25 Random Things About Yourself. I've really enjoyed reading all these posts, even the ones from people I've known forever. It seems there is always something to learn even about the people you assume you know so well. I finally gave in at my 6th request to fulfill this tag, so here it goes...

25 Random Things About Amanda

1. I am an open book... to know me is to know pretty much everything about me. Just don't ask me how I'm doing unless you REALLY want to know!

2. Which leads me to my #2.... I'm honest to a fault. It is rare for me to lie about even the smallest things. That gets me in trouble at times... it amazes me sometimes how much people cover up in everyday life... small, white lies about somebody's hair or outfit, or the bigger ones about how we feel about a certain situation. I just can't do it, but sometimes I wish I could.

3. I had really short, short hair my entire life until I was a senior in high school... it started with my mom always keeping it short when I was little and then I think it became of way of being a little different as the years went on. Maybe that's why I refuse to cut it now... maybe I'm re-living my childhood I wish I'd had.

4. I love caramel corn and can't really stop eating it once I start. Whether I buy a box or make a big batch of the yummy stuff at home, I can't quit shoving it in my mouth until the last little kernel is gone.

5. I love Disneyworld. Probably MORE than my children. I could go every year... even twice a year! I love the castle, and the fireworks, and the rollercoasters, and the parades and shows. It's like you're instantly thrown into "Happy-World!"

6. I also love the movie "The Notebook." I could watch it over and over and over again..... kind of like we used to do in high school to "The Breakfast Club".... remember that??

7. I am the WORST pregnant person in the world. Although I'm never usually sick, pregnancy is like a disease to me... I always know I'm pregnant when I take the test at 3-4 weeks because I'm already so nauseated I can't eat. Even though I normally won't take anything other than Advil, when I'm pregnant I'm on so many drugs I can't keep them straight. I hate every lonely hour of it, but then when I hold that little baby in my arms, all of it melts right away.

8. I was arrested for "drinking under age" when I was 16. And the craziest thing is... I wasn't even drinking! We had gone to a party at a friend's house just to use the bathroom because Hardee's and Majik Market were closed. Within 5 minutes the police pulled up and my car was trapped and I couldn't leave. The Youth Aide officer told me that all he wanted was the alcohol and he would let us go, so I let him into my trunk, gave him the beer my friends had been drinking in my car, and thought we'd be going home. Nope. He lied. We went downtown and all of our parents had to come pick us up. Humiliating to say the least for a "straight A" kind of kid!

9. I'm not much of a drinker to this day. I only drink when I'm out to dinner with my friends or my husband, and that's usually only once or twice a month. But don't get me wrong.... I DO LOVE my french martini's when I'm out!

10. I am cheap. I'm always looking for a deal, will pretty much only grocery shop at Walmart, and I still order the cheapest thing on the menu. I get this enormous sense of satisfaction in saving money.... odd, I know.

11. I am a true do-it-yourselfer.... brought on I'm sure by what I revealed in #10. I won't pay anyone to do any kind of work I can possibly do myself -- I've tiled countertops, fireplaces, painted entire houses... ceilings, walls and floors. I've even painted the entire exterior of a 2 story house! It's sick.

12. I like things the way I like them, and I'll work as hard as possible to make it so. Example... in my last house I hated the ceilings so much ( they were that swirly, flowery drywall mud look) that I decided to get on a ladder, spray them with water, and trowel it off by hand! And, yes, sanded and painted them after.... every ceiling in the house! Told ya it was sick.

13. I'm fiercely determined. Don't tell me I can't do something because I'll do whatever it takes to prove you wrong. It's a pretty good quality to have, I guess. But sometimes I wish I'd just sit on the couch and watch "The Bachelor" or something.

14. My husband says my feet are my best feature. Sad... don't cha think? And even sadder.... NONE of my children got my feet!!! They all have his little gnarly, stubby toes!

15. I'm a Leo..... but I guess you've already figured that out by now.

16. I can paint and plaster walls, I can sew and heirloom sew, I'm pretty good with a hammer, and have a passion for decorating. I've learned a lot about website design, I can build blogs, and I can design Christmas cards. I even learned the rocket science behind Photoshop last year, yet somehow at almost 40 I still can't figure out what I want to do with my life.

17. I'd love to have another baby. I think I was at my happiest when each of my babies were 0-18 months. Yet just thinking about #7 (and not to mention my age!!) jolts me into reality.

18. I could still just eat my little boy up everytime I look at him. I know there is no true perfection on this earth, but my gosh, he's pretty darn close!

19. I started my first business in 5th grade, and even "hired" a marketing person. I sewed purse covers for those cute Papagallo button-on purses that we all used to have. I gave $3 of the sales price to a friend who went to a private school in town when she sold them to her friends.

20. I love my friends, cherish their support and wish so many of them lived closer to me.

21. I love music, especially really good hard rock. There's really nothing that can make me "feel" more than listening to a great song with inspiring lyrics. Oh, did I tell you how LOUD I like it??? My kids would tell you! Although they are pretty good about turning it up and dancing with me in the den. I'm just so glad we're past the Barney and Wiggles music stage!

22. I think I had a mid-life crisis last year that I'm just now coming out of. No, not the "affair" type most people think of.... more like the "what the heck should I do with my life?" and "wow, look at all the mistakes I've made" kind of crisis. Well, at least I'm getting it over with early!

23. I can still do the splits and have embarrassed myself as an adult on quite a few occasions proving it.

24. As determined as I am and as many projects as I seem to take on, I'm not very good at fully completing them. I get 99% done and then I'm off getting involved in my next venture. It's really annoying to my husband. Which leads me to my #25....


Whoops! I went to tackle dinner for the kids... guess I forgot to finish #25!
