Blinging Julee's Blog!!!

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Another day... another blog design... Julee wanted a little make-over for her blog so she chose an illustration, picked out some paper and then I got to work. My brain feels like mush... a day full of computer code (some that I understand... lots that I don't!!)... strained eyes... exhausted mind... and a sore bottom to boot! But it was all worth it in the end! I'm so proud of myself, and best of all, Julee loves her new look! Click on the header for her blog above if you want to check it out.

With every one I do, I learn a little more.... but it also seems that every one I do throws yet another curveball at me.... some new frustration... some aggravating problem. Yet without those problems I wouldn't have learned all the things I now know, so I try to take them in stride and press on... pain brings gain, right??? And I LOVE TAKING ON A CHALLENGE! I'm already up for the next one... I'm working on a website to...... get this.......

(Daaaa-taaaa-daaaahhh.... drumroll, please....)
Yup, you got it! Forget the decorating... the sewing... the painting... I think I've figured out how I can work at home... set my own pace... still stay at home with the kids... AND make some money!! Wish me luck... and stay tuned for updates!