Do you think I'm crazy? I'm kind of feeling a little crazy...

So I'm trying to decide if I'm crazy or not.

Maybe you can help. You see, life was going rather well for me. Last year, around Thanksgiving or so, I made a major life change (...about which there is just not enough energy left in me tonight to pontificate upon the reasons why... or even what led me to that point...). But I changed. I changed alot of things... but mostly I decided that I was just pushing myself way too hard. I've always done that... and it just sort of occured to me... WHY??? Why are you doing this to yourself?

So... I stopped... Stopped pretty much everything... I just relaxed, I did things I wanted to do and not very many things that I didn't. It was just about a 180 for me! And after a while I sort of started to like the new me. I didn't feel frazzled anymore. I was sleeping the full 8 hours a night on a regular basis. Talk about a change!!! I said... life was going along pretty well. See, here's a picture of me then... I'm looking pretty content, don't cha think?

And then... well, then I began to blog. That eventually led to learning more about HTML codes, and at about the same time, I was discovering that the Photoshop software I'd bought to spruce up my photos of the kids did a WHOLE lot more than just crop pictures! There was a whole new world out there that I didn't even know about, and I was really enjoying getting to know it a little better. Digital Design. Love it! Just the thought of it! No more fulfilling my creative cravings with paint -- the mess... the expense... my kids constantly wanting to paint every time I would paint! And I've really missed decorating in the last few years since I'd slowed down with that a bit, too. It was just so hard to do it in a small town with 3 kids. You almost always have to go to Atlanta or at least to Montgomery to help anyone decorate their home. It's not that I don't enjoy painting or decorating -- I absolutely love it! I'm passionate about it, but there is only so much a stay-at-home mom of 3 can do! So there it was.... right in front of me... digital design.

And that's what soon led to my craziness....... oh.....I mean..... I'm not SURE I'm crazy... that's still up for grabs. It's just that things were almost tranquil... even with three kids at home all summer! I was really enjoying doing just the things I wanted to do for really the first time in my 38 year old life. No stress... no worries. And then I decide to start a business. What was I thinking???? Now I'm not sleeping... I'm working every moment I can. My kids think I've been super-glued to my computer chair (and I'm sure my bottom is wondering the same thing! I can already feel the cellulite growing!) But in a weird, CRAZY (there's that word again) way... I'm loving it! And I'm very happy.

So here's a picture of the "new"-old me... See.... I told you I was crazy! Just look at how I'm looking these days... does that look like happiness or what???

OK, I know. It's bad. But it's nothing a little rest can't fix (and maybe some really pricey plastic surgery...). I'll be back to myself in no time! Don't you worry.

Thanks for all your support -- my sweet friends who've encouraged me. And if I'm a little spacey when I'm on the phone with you, well, I promise that it will get better. I'll sleep again soon -- wish me luck... I'm gonna need it!