Crazy moms take too many kids to eat pizza...

Jonathan's in Boston. Walt's in Houston. Joe just wants the house to himself for a while... Just kidding... Joe's at soccer with Kimbell... so Holly, Julee and I decided it would be fun (did I really just say that???) to take all the kids to Brick Oven for dinner. We strategically chose Brick Oven for it's outdoor seating... the kids could be wild & run around without disturbing too many people... well, that is EXCEPT for the one lady who kept staring a hole through us. Oh well, lady... it is what it is. And she should be glad... there were supposed to be 3 more kids there!!! The kids were actually really good, and the mommies actually got to talk... we even got to finish whole sentences!!! You know me... these days I've always got a camera with me so I took a few shots... here they are... I love the one of Mally with her itty bitty cast. Poor thing fell off the ladder on her swingset and broke her arm. She had her cast for less than 24 hours when she just grew a little tired of it and decided to pull it off!! Her daddy took her back today to get a new one!