Do your ever feel like there's glue in your eyes?

Notice the timestamp at the bottom of this post???? Yes, it's a little after 5:00 am... waaaaaaay too early to be blogging!! And I've been up for a while! How long exactly do you think a person can go on with 4-5 hours of sleep a night??

I guess the answer lies in what you mean by "go on" and who the person is. If the sleepless subject is me, well.... I can "go on" for quite a while... half-lucid... half-crazy... borderline schizophrenic... with gaping-mouthed yawns thrown in for good measure. I am tired... definitely bone-tired... but it's all for a good reason. As a I told you in my last post, I'm starting a web-based business designing blogsites. I'm convinced it can work because the girl (Jennisa) who "pimped" my blog has a similar business and it's grown like wildfire in the last 6 months! I'm so excited at the prospect of being able to stay at home, make a little money AND release some of this pent-up creative energy in me that always seems to come exploding out in some new form. So, I guess, THIS is the newest form -- Blog Design!!! I've come up with a business name, and I've started designing my new website. The name is "Kiss my Blog!" as in "kiss my grits." I think it sounds fun & spunky and the "kiss" part is fitting, too... it's like I'm putting a kiss on other people's blogs when I make them over. Makes sense to me anyway. Here's my new header... What do you think??? You can click on the header and it will link you to my new website, too! It's just a work in progress right now but you're welcome to take a look.
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Back to the sleep disorder... the not sleeping always happens to me when I get on a new kick. Do you think God gives some of His children more adrenalin than others??? I'm CONVINCED it's so. It's like my brain won't stop.... thinking... spinning... those wheels just keep going round and round... thoughts & ideas... figuring out the latest problems... brainstorming with a passion I call it. And unfortunately the side affect of all those creative juices flowing is ONE TIRED MOMMY!! So, please keep me in your prayers in the next few weeks as I jump a few more hurdles in my life... and don't forget to pray for my little ones, too.... it's been a while since mommy has been quite this busy!

And that brings me to my next topic... The Offspring.

School has been going great.... terrific teachers... lots of structure... lots of new friends. Carpool, however, has NOT been so great. Living so close to our elementary school means NO BUS!! The rule is that you have to live 2 miles away from the school to qualify... my driveway is like 1.99995 on the odometer... you know... right as the 9 is about to turn over to a 0. So, for the past 2 years... twice a day... carpool line. Granted, in the scheme of things that's not that big a deal. But I have had a baby all that time... one who has to be woken up if he's asleep during that magic carpool hour. So, all the moms around here have complained... mainly to each other about the absurdity that there are close to 30 elementary school-aged children on the two streets around our house... we are right at the 2 mile rule and yet, still NO BUS!! Like a friend of mine said... it's feels ridiculous to be sitting in a line at the school for 20-30 minutes waving to all your neighbors around you picking up their kids, too. Come on... don't we need to be conserving that precious $4.00 a gallon fuel that everyone's killing each other over??? Doesn't it seem counterproductive for 20 cars to drive to the school to pick up 30 children when ONE bus good do it all???

So, my fantastic people-person friend, Elizabeth, took the bull by the horns and contacted the school transportation director. She sent out an email to all her friends saying, "Please forward this to Mr. So & So in the transportation office." And what do you know... but the very next morning Mr. So & So called her to say, "DONE! You have your bus, lady. Just PLEASE tell people to stop emailing and calling me!" That Elizabeth... she's so awesome. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH, girl! Yesterday was the first day... bright & early... down on the corner... there were tons of moms with cameras and even more children congregating at the new bus stop. We were all sooooo excited! Kids gone by 6:55am -- Now THAT'S a good start to the day!! Kidding... of course. And the afternoon pick up at the bus stop was even funnier. I was late getting down there because Jacob decided to poop everywhere just as we were leaving (sorry, Elizabeth... way to much info for you... I know) so when I drove up... the whole corner was full of people... it looked like a party... and the bus hadn't even arrived yet! That bus driver must have thought we were insane with all the cameras & video cameras filming him driving down the street! But the kids are super excited... it's like a daily party with all their friends! Here's a few pictures...