Holly's New Website!!!

Photo Sharing and Hosting at Photobucket

So my friend, Holly, has been wanting a blogsite. I told her what a great hobby it's become for me... it helps me remember those precious times that as a busy mom of three I was losing track of... it helps motivate me to take pictures so the kids will one day remember these times, too... and it even helps me save money now that I'm blogging at home instead of shopping for the family. I can't say enough good things about what this blog has done for me personally. I just love it! And it's a great hobby to share with friends, too... and therefore the reason for this post.

I told Holly I would help her learn and even design her website for her, so yesterday that's exactly what I did! I'm so proud of myself, and I'm even more excited that I have a new blogger buddy! It's still a work in progress, but I'd love for you to take a look and visit my sweet friend Holly at this address www.hollywilliamsfamily.blogspot.com (just click on the link).