Remember Me???

I feel like it's been a very long time since my last post. So many things are going on right now... building a website, design work, emails, lots & lots of phone calls, setting up business accounts with the bank & paypal and the rest, homework with the kids, and the list just keeps going on. But tonight I took a little "Calgon Mommy-Break" and went to eat dinner with my friends. As tired as I was, it's always good to be with the people who make me laugh. Friends really are the best therapy.

We usually go to the same restaurant every month, but we decided to mix it up a bit and go to a Mexican restaurant instead. A-L-O-H-A!!!

I know... you don't get it. And really, you shouldn't. It's a had to be there kind of thing, but there are at least 10 people who WILL get it and for you few people... well, just know that I'm not making a whole lot of sense these days! The axons and dendrites just aren't firing right...

Had a great time girls... here's the proof...

And by the way... Yes, I am posting late tonight. Yes... I should be spending time with my husband after I ditched him tonight to be with "the girls." But less than five minutes after I came home I heard that oh so familiar sound.... you know the one... S-N-O-R-I-N-G!!! And LOTS of it. I guess the prospect of my coming home wasn't enough to stay awake for!!! So what do I do??? B-L-O-G!!!!