Wacky Weather Weekend...

A weekend full of fun & lots of pictures...


Wheeler and Kate came over to play and watch a movie. I made some homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies -- I'm not sure which they liked more.... the dough or the cookies. Probably the dough!


Here they are.... acting silly as usual...

And later in the playroom... hanging out and watching High School Musical 3


And then the bad weather came..... Saturday morning.... tornado sirens.... in the closet we go. I didn't really get scared until the weather man said a tornado was spotted a Chewacla State Park... only a couple of miles from our house. I piled on the pillows and hunkered down and still somehow the kids couldn't quit giggling. Oh well, I guess that's better than being scared to death and crying. We spent the rest of the day in shorts.... it was 70 degrees!
Amazing when you think about what was to come the next morning....


Yep.... Sunday morning.... this is our house. SNOW!!!! I was so excited when I woke up.
I couldn't wait to see their faces when they came down the stairs.

Macy making her first snowball.... one of many, many more to come....

They found a whole new love for their old trampoline....

A few friends came by early to play.... Jacob, Manning, Macy, Jackson, Sutton and Madison


Jacob only lasted a few minutes... he got cold and cried for us all to come in.
I did manage to get this picture of him before he tuckered out.

Here is the girls' first snowman.... it's been 7 years since they've made a snowman!
They were so excited!

And here's the 2nd snowman.... a little bigger to try to "out-do" the boys next door...

Here's a shot of the backyard.... it was beautiful!

Madison couldn't find her gloves so here she is in her Daddy's.... it's a little difficult to build a snowman with those big ole paws but she managed just fine.

Macy and I went downtown to see the snow on campus. Here she is at the tree at Toomer's Corner. Unfortunately it was about 3:00pm so a lot had melted by then but it
was still amazing to see all snow everywhere.

Here we are in front of Samford Hall.... lots of people were down there having fun, taking pictures, and we even got pelted by a massive snowball just after we took this shot.
It seems a bunch of frat boys thought it would be fun to fill up the back of their pickup
with snow and drive up and down College St. throwing snowballs.
After we were hit Macy said, "Mama, why did they do that?"
And I said, "Well, Macy, honey, they are in college. That's what people in college do."

Here are some students making an Aubie snowman in front of the President's house

And then we were off to the Jonas Brothers 3D show... yes, in the snow.... there were only a couple of other people like us out in the cold and snow to see the show. I had bought the tickets online a few days before so we went anyway and had a great time. Heather and I made fun of the "Brothers" the whole time and gave our opinions on which one was hotter.... it wasn't until later when she said, "Well, those are the qualities I look for in 12 year old boys" that we both started cracking up and realizing how ridiculous we sounded.
That Heather's a funny girl. "Oh no you di-ent!"

The girls just HAD to go down to the front to dance....

I can't imagine how they would act at a real Jonas Brothers concert....
maybe one day, sweet Macy, Mommy will take you to one.

So it was quite a weekend.... I think they'll remember this one for the rest of their lives. I'm just glad I live in the South -- as much as I loved the snow day, the laundry is downright unbelievable from just ONE day playing in all that wet stuff!!
