The return of the wild ones

The kids are back at home. As much as I needed a little vacation from all things domestic, I sure was excited to go and get them Thursday morning. And just as I suspected, I couldn't stop hugging & kissing them when they drove up. I DID miss them!

We spent the rest of the day eating too much junk and shopping in Montgomery on our way home. Then we had to do the unthinkable...... Long story..... I'll start by explaining that Madison is petrified of dentists. Luckily she had never had a cavity until last year. And even luckier still, it was in a tooth that the dentist said she would lose soon so he chose not to fill it. Whew! Got out of that one.

Then when Jonathan & I took the kids to Decatur..... 4 hours from home.... Madison drops the bomb on me..... "Mom, I haven't shown you this because I was afraid, but look at my tooth.... it has a BIG hole in it."

Uhhhh, yeahh.


And there wasn't a whole lot I could do.... it was late Friday night, Jonathan & I were leaving in the morning, and Madison was staying for 5 days. So I came home, made an appointment for the afternoon she would return, and waited anxiously over the next few days to drop the bomb back on her. "Honey, as soon as you get home we're rushing over to the dentist to have your tooth extracted."

But, all in all, she took the news well.... handled herself much more maturely than she has at the dentist in the past.... I was actually pretty impressed. We tried a new dentist.... one that is VERY kid-friendly and I think that went a long way to helping her be more at ease too.... well, that and the nitric oxide they gave her before they yanked the tooth out. She was so relaxed once they gave her the gas, I thought for a minute that I might just ask that dentist for my own tank at home -- for emergency use only, of course. Wouldn't it be great.... the kids are fighting, being ugly and I say, "Alright, last time. You. Go get the pink nose thingy and have a 10 minute gas time out."

Oh the issues that would solve.

I digress.... anyway, we spent yesterday vegging out at home for a half a day, then we went to the pool with friends. Jonathan's at the beach with his best friends from home, deep-sea fishing and partaking of all the night life in Destin, I'm sure. He sent me a picture yesterday of some of the fish they caught.... you know he's having a good time when he's killing the wild-life.

I do think the recent death of the world's best-known pop-star has put a little damper on his trip though. Yesterday I got this text from him.....
"Missing you, but I don't think we'll be fishing today as me and Nicky are so upset about Michael Jackson. I think we'll just go to the group moonwalk at Basspro."
You gotta love a man with a good sense of humor.

So we're off to the pool again this morning.... birthday party.... should be fun. Hair cuts this afternoon. Life's back to normal, I guess. Catch ya later!
